Book 3;

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I finished the sentence and looked at Russia curiously. My son probably had to rethink this situation because the 10 year old frowned. Belarus, on the other hand, didn't have to think about it. "Were you in love with France too?" Her pretty Ree eyes shone. "No no. Otherwise I would never have met your mother." Now I had to think about Afghanistan again myself. My light feather. A tear escaped from under my eye patch. Kazakhstan my 2 youngest son wiped them off for me with a tissue. "Thank you, little angel." I ruffled his yellow hair. Ukraine my youngest daughter fell asleep. 9:00 p.m. was already very late for a 3 year old."It's bedtime. We want to go to the playground tomorrow morning!" 

All 5 children screamed and ran into the bedroom. Only me and Russia remained behind. "So big guy.... You put Ukraine to bed, okay? Dad has to go to work now." He nodded silently, took Ukraine in his arms and ran after the others into the bedroom...Time Skip:I wound past graves to the far corner and headed for a magnificent cross. In my hand a bouquet of tulips. I always came to my father's grave when the children were already asleep. Then I always told him how my day was. Most of the time I directed him to pastries on the tombstone. 

 Huhu. Very short chapter 😅SrryGreetings Oxford 💫

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