Book 19;

192 4 4

{Thanks for the 3,1K ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)}

((🩸Blood Warning 💉) Sensitive people should skip this chapter❗)

The table burst and a hail of splinters showered me. I struggled to protect my face. Some splinters of wood still hit my face. When this attack seemed over, I peeked out from behind the sofa. Reich stood in the middle of the room and grinned into space. He had only broken the table with one hand. "Rich?.." My voice sounded shaky. The German turned to me very slowly, as if he was savoring every second of my ignorance. But then he started laughing. It was Third's laughter that sent shivers down my spine even then. Sadistic and scary laughter. It had originated in his throat, or perhaps in hell. In any case, this laugh of horror was unique.

Suddenly the light went out. I looked around frantically. A sweat of fear formed on my forehead. "Can not you see me?!" Third eerie voice boomed from all corners of the room. I made myself small. "Are you scared?!" A cold hand slowly moved to my cheek. I turned my gaze to the left and was startled. In the light of the moon I saw a grimace not 15 centimeters from my face. His eyes glowed slightly red and his teeth sparkled. Saliva ran from Third's mouth and his eyes radiated pure murderous lust. His fingers reached my lips. "Is the little one scared?" I reacted automatically and missed him. His face contorted. "I thought you loved us?" His devilish foreplay had only just begun.

Determined, I tore myself away from Third's grasp and jumped to my feet. In a panic, I looked for a way out of this nightmarish situation. Suddenly I noticed a small door at the end of the room that led to a hidden passage. Without hesitation, I sprinted towards it and flung it open. I ducked into the darkness of the hallway and heard Third panting and cursing after me.

The corridor led me to a staircase that led into a cellar vault. I hurried down and looked around. Old candlesticks and dusty bookshelves were the only decorations in this gloomy room. I was looking for a place to hide when I suddenly noticed a door locked with heavy chains. I tugged on the chains, but she didn't budge a bit.

Third followed me and held out a knife. Suddenly he threw the tool in my direction. It hit me in the temple and blood spurted. I felt dizzy and staggered. Then darkness surrounded me...

Hello! ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

I hope you had fun with the penultimate chapter :)

Greetings Oxford :D

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