Book 17;

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The road my old bus was on was in bad condition. Potholes and cracks everywhere. But that didn't stop the children from sleeping. Reich hadn't calmed down yet, so I had to lock him in the trunk and give him sleeping pills. It almost broke my heart. I drove the car through thick bushes in complete darkness. Why do you think his parents lived so far away? A noise and suddenly 'WRUMP'. Had I run over something?! I got out hastily and was frightened. There was a man lying in front of my bumper, less than 2 meters away. A real man! I sprinted over to him. He was lying in a pool of blood. Oh no!

He looked very similar to Reich, except I thought he was around 70 years old and didn't have red hair. "Syr? SYR??" The stranger didn't react. I drove it to death!! Then he started coughing. I almost fell on his neck. In the headlights I saw that the man was wearing a uniform with the same cross that my partner always wore.

"Are they okay?" The man's red eyes fixed on me. He stood up elegantly. "The question is probably superfluous.....Sir?" "Soviet. Soviet is my name." He looked at me skeptically. "My name is Prussia" Aha.....Wait?! "You're the Prussian?" The apparent Prussian raised an eyebrow. "I only see a Prussian here." He looked the same too! "You should know me because of my father." My counterpart looked at me with even more confusion. "And who should that be?" "Russian empire" His entire attitude became friendly.

"Ohh then you are .......were his son" An awkward silence followed.

Prussia got into the car with us and I explained it to him. So we continued through the forest.

After 4 hours we arrived at German House. (I'm so creative) A woman in her mid-40s greeted us at the door. She had a friendly face and welcomed us. Netherlands, that was the lady's name, explained the house rules to us. Meanwhile, I carried Third in first. He still hadn't traded back with Reich. Then 9 sleeping children.

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