Book 6 + extra Chapter;

503 11 9

East and Germany led me into a huge entrance hall. It was very sumptuously furnished. Crystal chandeliers everywhere, as the person wearing glasses informed me."If you can afford it. Your mother and father have to work a lot. Little man," I stated and looked questioningly at the little German screamer. He wanted to answer me, but his brother Germany interrupted him. "My family inherited that from our grandfather." Then he turned to the front again and continued to lead me in silence, accompanied by his brother, to their father's office.The office was at least as luxuriously furnished as the entrance hall. Artworks by famous painters everywhere. I felt a little shabby in my blue sweater, brown work pants, and new fur hat. 

"NOW YOU HAVE TO WAIT HERE," the East German squealed shrilly. I nodded and sat down in an armchair.I had to wait 10 minutes until the man of the house entered the room and I thought my eyes would droop. 

👀 (It had to be now XD)

 It was rich???? The rich?! Was now my employer?!The man who bullied me for years of my life and should now be my boss?!I wanted to say something, but he seemed too close to me."Hello Mr. Soviet! Welcome to my house!I'm rich and my two sons already know her. Can I use dozens of them? That would be more personal." He smiled at me in a friendly way. Now even my confusion was confused. Didn't he recognize me?! I recognized him immediately! The red hair, the slim build, he had actually only grown 10 cm. From 1.60 up to 1.70 cm with shoes maybe 1.73 like that.Had I really changed that much? Well I had grown, 1.70cm to 2.10cm but was only 40cm. On top of that, I was now wearing an eye patch due to an accident and I had lost weight. But otherwise? Nothing...But Reich really didn't seem to recognize me. Which might not be a bad thing, I told myself. That meant no bullying in the workplace."Mr. Soviet, please tell me something about yourself. Do you have a family? Children?" The German raised an eyebrow with a grin. I didn't really know whether this was meant to be nice or an interrogation.But I would play the game because of the salary."I have children. 7 of them. My older son Russia is 10 years old and goes to the district school. The second oldest is Kazakhstan. He is 9 years old and goes to the same school. Belarus girls, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are quadruplets 6 years old and go to the first grade at the same school. My youngest daughter Ukraine is three and goes to a daycare center." When I had sent the message, I looked at Reich. He seemed to be thinking. "That's a lot of children... How does your wife earn that. One person can't possibly cover the costs of 7 children and 2 adults. Right?" he finally said. I smiled crookedly. "My wife died in childbirth in Ukraine 3 years ago." The German suddenly looked ashamed. "Sorry about that," he whispered.Which I thought was cute. Wait what?! That was rich. My bully and new employer! I couldn't find it cute!I really wanted to give myself a scrub at that moment."It's not bad. But the reason I applied to them," I said instead. My counterpart seemed to be thinking. "If that's the case," Reich rummaged through a drawer in his desk and brought out an envelope. (Envelope=sheet of paper) "Well, you're hired. If you sign here, you'll start tomorrow at 9 a.m. The salary is the same as in the ad." He handed me the piece of paper and a pen. I took it and signed... 


 How are you? 👀😆 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. 🙏❤

 Reich has shown up🎉

then you can really get started💚

 Greetings Oxford 💫🏳️‍🌈

 PS: Have fun with the bonus chapter😆🙏


{The meeting}

I had already invited all 6 children and put them in the car. Now all that was missing was Russia. I walked through the school building and looked for his classroom.Shortly afterwards I found this too."Russia?" shouted into the room and received a prompt answer. "Here father! An emergency." I entered the classroom and rushed to my son, who was sitting next to another boy wearing sunglasses. The Sunglasses Boy had a leg cast. I squatted lightly. "What's going on?" My son pointed to the leg in a cast. "He can't walk," Russia said quickly. I nodded. "So big guy. What's your name?" Russia's buddy looked at me intimidated. "I am America." I had to smile. "So America. I'll drive you home okay?"Said and done. I loaded the two kids into my car with the rest of my screamers.The drive took about 20 minutes to America's house. I'm parking

"So Russia go first with America. You" I pointed to the rest of the children. "You stay in the car."The boys already went ahead. Meanwhile, I unloaded the American's satchel from the trunk.A huge surprise awaited me at the door...There stood France! My best girl friend! She hugged America and shook hands with Russia. I had to smile."Hello France!" She spun around."Soviet?!" Her eyes shone.We hugged each other."What a surprise" 

 Sequel follows...

 Ps: I hope you enjoyed this 👀💦

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