Book 29;

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I slowly walked towards the supermarket.
The rain pelted my head. I'd better take a bus.
The bus stop was empty.
Nobody there.....Wait a minute. A person was standing there in the rain. I stood next to this person and looked over. "Good evening" No answer. No Answer. Then not. It was probably scary for the person to talk to a 2 meter person in the evening. She wasn't particularly big either.........She was wearing a nightgown. Wait...No. "Rich?" The person turned around furtively and was startled. Reich stood in front of me in a completely wet shirt. "Um...Hi?"

much later At home: (after Reich was taken back to the hospital)

"WHAT IS THAT???" I pointed angrily at the letter and looked sharply at Russia. He turned his head to the side.
"That's nothing...." That's nothing?! "WHY ARE YOU EXPELLED???!"
I probably shouted a little too loudly because he backed away.
"So...That's it," he tried to explain himself, kneading his fingers. "I hope you have a good explanation!!"

What did i do wrong?!
"Be honest! What happened?"
I tried to lower my voice, but my anger made it almost impossible.
"It's your fault!! You're never there! You....You...You...."

Russia... cried?

yes, Professor! {THIRDUNIUN}Where stories live. Discover now