Book 14;

288 9 21

He slept restlessly. Every now and then he tossed and turned. It was difficult for me to calm Reich down. He kicked and screamed. The next morning I spoke to him about it. But he just said no. What was wrong with him?

"Reich. I need to talk to you" He looked at me confused. "But why?" I told him my view of the situation. He seemed extremely uncomfortable with the conversation as he kept playing with his fingers. "Soviet...I just had a nightmare..." That was definitely a lie. Why didn't he want to talk about it?

I let it go for now. I acted as if the matter had been settled and Reich visibly relaxed. Reich's parents German Empire (G.E.) and his mother Austria Hungary (A.H.) arrived in the early afternoon. I got along quite well with A.H. Only G.E didn't seem to like me. The information that I was Reich's friend didn't make it any better.

"When did you meet him?" While my partner answered his mother's question, his father's eyes never left mine. That might have been scary. It went on like this for 2 hours until they said goodbye again."I think your father doesn't like me," I said to Reich as his parents drove away.

Our life continued like this until about 2 weeks later when I met a broken-up UK guy on the train. My best friend told me that his parents died. I expressed my condolences and we arranged to meet the next day. How could I have guessed what a stupid idea it had it turned out in the end.

The next day I dressed quietly so as not to wake Reich. But suddenly he was standing in front of me. "Where do you want to go?!" he asked and his eyes looked at me. A shiver ran down my spine. "To a friend of mine," I answered truthfully. The German blocked my way. "YOU cheated On Me!! I KNEW IT" How did he suddenly think of that?! "Of course not!" He wasn't convinced. "BUT YOU'RE MINE!" I just looked at him. "Soviet you're not going anywhere!"

"I promised him!" Reich suddenly jumped over me and we landed on the bed. "I decide!" he snapped, holding my hands tightly. "But Reich...His parents died and I want to support him!" The facial expression changed suddenly. As if the strings had been cut from a puppet. He looked at me scared. "I'm sorry..." Reich whispered and got off me...

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lg Oxford :)

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