Book 24;

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After dinner the children quickly went to their rooms and Reich and I sat on the couch with a beer/vodka. At first it was quiet until the German put his hand on my head. "Soviet..." His closed eyes trembled a little. "I want!" My heart did a somersault and beat very fast.
"Now?" I asked cautiously. Reich twisted his mouth in offense. "Why would I suggest it to you but then not want to?"
He slowly pushed me against the back of the sofa and licked his lips. "Please Soviet~" Reich's soft lips pressed against my neck. He started sucking. I moaned briefly. Then I grabbed his head.
We did it hard until Reich eventually came. I smiled and flopped down next to him. "That was very nice..." I breathed. He smiled weakly. "You only make me weak~"

RRRRRRRRRRRR! I slowly opened one eye. RRRRRRRRRRRR! Now I squinted at the alarm clock with the other one. When suddenly a red arm rushed down on the device and the alarm clock shattered into pieces. Reich smiled angelically at me as he wiped the remains of the alarm clock from his shirt.

"He was disturbing," the German added and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled crookedly. “Then you wouldn’t have had to destroy it right away.”
“That was just fun,” Reich muttered defiantly.

I scratched the back of my head.
"If you say so..." I slowly pushed him back into a lying position. "You've now eliminated your arch-enemy. Then we can get some sleep, right?"

When we woke up at 3 p.m. the children were already gone. I stroked Reich's hair. "Get up honey." He grumbled and opened his eyes. "I want chocolate ice cream! I want chocolate ice cream with pickles!" He wants what??? Yuck! "You want something?" Reich's eyes flashed evilly. "CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM! PICKLES!"
He pulled his blanket over his head. What was wrong with him?
"I'll go get the things for you," I said soothingly.

There wasn't much going on in the supermarket. I shuffled through the aisles looking for ice cream...

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