Book 26;

114 5 9

(Omg!! 5K!!! Thx bro (┬┬﹏┬┬) ❤)

"Soviet!!" "SOVIET!!" Reich knelt next to the couch. "I feel so bad!!" He gagged loudly and held his stomach, crying. I immediately rushed to him. "It's probably because of the cucumber ice cream," I guessed as I put a bucket in front of him. Reich gratefully grabbed the bucket and began to vomit. His whole posture showed that he was in great distress. I was worried and didn't know what to do. "Should I call a doctor?" I asked uncertainly. Reich nodded weakly, still hanging over the bucket. I picked up my phone and dialed the doctor's number.

Less than 3 minutes later a doctor answered. "Hello this is Doctor Uk. What can I do for you.....Wait Soviet?" I giggled briefly, but quickly became serious again. "It's nice to talk to you. But I have an emergency! Rich is feeling really bad!" The Brit's voice also became serious again. "Okay! Pack it up and come to my office." I quickly hung up.

"What did the doctor say?" asked Reich, weakened. But somewhere in his eyes I saw hope. "It was Uk. We should go to his practice."

Reich nodded weakly and we began to carefully get him into his car. I could literally feel the tension in the air. The minutes passed like hours as we made our way to Doctor Uk's office.

When we finally arrived, my heart was relieved, but the worry for Reich did not subside. I helped him out of the car and supported him as he stood unsteadily on his feet. We entered the practice and were immediately greeted by a friendly doctor's assistant.

Shortly afterwards, Uk entered the room. His serious expression gave me the idea that things were worse for Reich than I had initially thought. The doctors around him immediately began examining him while Uk took me aside.

"Soviet...I need to speak to you privately." He showed me an empty waiting room. I stood there a little uncertain. "What is it??" The Brit cleared his throat again. "Reich is apparently pregnant."

Wait what? Wait What? Rich is pregnant? "But how? Reich is a man! Shortly afterwards, Uk entered the room. His serious expression gave me the idea that things were worse for Reich than I had initially thought. The doctors around him immediately began the examinations, while Uk took aside.

"Soviet...I need to speak to you privately." He showed me an empty waiting room. I stood there a little uncertain. "What is it??" The Brit cleared his throat again. "Reich is apparently pregnant."

I couldn't believe it and was completely confused. Uk seemed similarly surprised because he nodded in confirmation and continued, "Yeah, I thought so too. But the medical tests have clearly shown that Reich is pregnant. It's an extremely rare medical anomaly, but it actually happened. "

I couldn't believe my ears. That was so absurd and unimaginable. "What does this mean for Reich?" I asked worriedly. Uk replied seriously: "The doctors are not yet sure what will happen next. It is an extremely complicated situation as nothing like this has ever happened before. We have to wait and hope that everything goes well."

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