Book 13;

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A mild wind was blowing as Reich and I stood on the terrace of the villa. He watched the stars while the wind played in his hair. It's hard to imagine that two days ago we weren't lovers. "Soviet?" The German didn't look at me. "My father and mother are coming tomorrow." I thought about it in my head. "And?" I finally asked. Reich looked at me now. "What are we Soviet?" What were we? What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" My counterpart giggled. "We are two men who live together now and once slept together." It sounded like a statement. As if someone told you that the sky is blue. "What do you feel for me?" I didn't understand what he meant by the questions. "I love you...I think." This answer didn't seem to satisfy him.

His eyes narrowed. "That's what you think..." he whispered to himself. I took three steps towards him. "I meant" But he interrupted me. "Why don't you love me completely?" He misunderstood me. "I love you." My voice shook a little. Reich looked me in the eyes. "Then prove it!" . How was I supposed to prove that? "I love you!" I repeated it even more forcefully and took his hand. I squeezed her and pulled him into my arms.

"I love everything about you!" The German buried his face in my chest. "I thought so," he murmured. So I stood there with Reich in my arms.

"I love everything about you!" The German buried his face in my chest. "I thought so," he murmured. So I stood there with Reich in my arms.

So we stood there. Arm-in-arm. The German was breathing regularly.

"So can I introduce you to my father as my boyfriend?" I nodded. Reich pushed me onto the nearest garden sofa. ""

His breath breathed across my face. His lips touched mine. We fought for dominance. I won and took the lead. My counterpart moaned incessantly.

As we solved it, Reich grinned. "I love you big guy~"

I had to laugh.

"Now let's go to bed." I took his hand and we entered the house.

Once upstairs in the attic, Reich directed me into a very nice bedroom. The walls were painted light green. He sat down on the bed and began to take off his shirt. My face flushed. "Are you okay Soviet?~" he asked with a grin. I just shook my head and threw my sweater on the floor. "I'm too tired to think..."

The German ruffled my hair. "Oh my big one"....

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