Book 34 + Bonus Chapter;

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Reich put a comforting arm around me. "Don't worry, my sunshine. Russia will always be your son, no matter who he hangs out with. Just let him have his own experiences and support him when he needs you." I just nodded tiredly. Yes.. Maybe he was right.

Weeks passed and Russia withdrew more and more frequently. He hardly spoke to me anymore. It broke my heart to see him so distant.

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It was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep, including me. Until Reich woke me up excitedly. "It's here!! It has to come out!" she stammered, her face pale. I knew immediately what he meant. I quickly jumped out of bed. "I'll inform Uk! Go to the car already!" He ran as fast as his baby bump would allow him to my old car.

Meanwhile I picked up the phone. "UK!" The sleepy British doctor on the other end of the line grumbled sleepily. "What do you want with Soviet?" "THE BABY IS COMING!! WE'RE ON THE WAY!!" Then I hung up and sprinted after Reich, who was already waiting in the car.

On the way to the hospital we both tried to stay as calm as possible. Reich was visibly nervous and I tried to calm him down. When we finally arrived at the hospital, we were immediately greeted by doctors and nurses who took us to the delivery room.

Only a few hours passed, but to me it felt like an eternity. Reich fought bravely and I stood by his side, holding his hand and whispering reassuring words to him. Finally the time had come, the baby was here.

The doctors immediately took the newborn in for a checkup while I hugged Reich and planted a proud kiss on his forehead. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as I held the little bundle of happiness in my arms.

We were overjoyed and could hardly believe that our little miracle was finally here. Reich smiled at me and gently stroked our baby's delicate hair.

After a few hours we were released and headed home. The baby slept peacefully in my arms while Reich proudly walked next to it. We knew there was an exciting time ahead of us, but we were ready to get through it all together.

Bonus Chapter: Russia and China Chat ;)

China: Do you have time today?

Russia: Yes!

China: When?

Russia: Don't know

China: Bro...just look!!! And don't forget the butts!

Russia: Okay, okay, I'm already there, come on down. I'll bring the butts with me, don't worry. Where do we meet?

China: Meet at the usual location. Just come over, I'm already here.

Russia: Good, I'll be on my way soon. Looking forward to spending time with you, my friend.

China: Me too, my friend. See you soon!

yes, Professor! {THIRDUNIUN}Where stories live. Discover now