Book 15;

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After visiting UK I came home. I dusted off my umbrella because it was now autumn...November and it had been raining heavily. A pretty teary-looking Reich greeted me at the door. "Hello Soviet," he greeted me. I put my umbrella down in the container provided. The German followed me and kneaded his fingers. "I'm not mad at you Reich.....But.....What was that activity this morning?" He bit his bottom lip. "Reich tell me!" "In the living room," my partner whispered and pulled me into the large room. As we sat next to each other on the couch, Reich broke his silence.

I have a problem..." He was shaking. I took off my coat and gave it to the German. The German snuggled up in it. "I...Soviet. Please don't leave me when I initiate you." He looked at me pleadingly. "Why should I?" I smiled at him and took his hand. "Nothing could separate me from you." He looked down. "Soviet... .I have 2 personalities."

I did not understand. "You have two personalities?" Reich was still looking at the ground. "Yes....2 personalities" He started sobbing. "'m...a...a...freak... "How could I have thought such a thing? I pulled him onto my lap. "Reich.." I brushed a strand of hair out of his face. "How could I..." The German stared at me. And suddenly he hit me in the face. I felt pain on my left cheek. Blood spurted and I felt it running down my cheek. "REICH?!" I had pushed him away. The man who now stood in front of me grinned. "Nothing REICH?! Hahahahaha!" He took his hand and drew my blood from it. "Didn't that wimp from 'Reich' tell you that we really like you?"

I pressed a hand to my cheek. "ARE YOU HIS SECOND PERSONALITY?!" The empire that seemed so familiar to me grinned. "Yes! Ahahahahah hihihih"

Then suddenly the threatening appearance collapsed and an unconscious empire lay where his second personality had stood. I ran to him. He was breathing regularly. I put my German on the sofa and then went into the bathroom to bandage myself.

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