Book 31;

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(Little fun fact on the side...I never actually intended to write this story. It's the second part of the series. Maybe I'll upload the first one at some point) ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

"Soviet...Soviet?" I winced. "Yes?" Reich looked at me worriedly and took my hand. "Are you okay?" he whispered quietly. The bed creaked and I turned to him. "Everything's perfect! I'm feeling great!" My counterpart didn't seem convinced at all, but didn't ask any further questions.

"Stupid fucking memory!" Ohhh....crap.. Reich winced. "What? Soviet...What's wrong with you?" he asked uncertainly. Own goal Soviet... "It's all good. You don't have to worry" My partner turned my head so that I had to look at him. "Tell me So.."

His soft lips felt just as great as the first time. Reich seemed surprised at first, but then kissed back with even more passion.

I gently stroked his head. "You're still as good as ever," Reich grinned crookedly. "I am an expert"

"Excuse me?" Not really now...?

"SET WHEN ARE YOU GETTING THERE UK???!!??!?!?!?" The Brit grinned. "About since your fucking memories" I stood up and shook his hand. "You idiot" Uk shook his head. "No. Doctor" Then he started laughing. "So...What do you want here?" I asked quickly.

"Am I not allowed to show up at my practice uninvited?" This idiot. Pfffff! It hasn't changed since kindergarten. "Hello Reich! How are you?" The German was still very red in the face and just squealed something incomprehensible. "Great...Now you've broken him," I said jokingly and stroked Reich's back.

"Then I guess I can't be discharged until the birth," Uk sighed sarcastically. Reich's face changed suddenly. "I can go home??!" The Brit nodded, laughing. "Yes you can" I just stood there and was happy for my partner.

yes, Professor! {THIRDUNIUN}Where stories live. Discover now