Book 18;

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22 days had passed since arriving at German house. I had delivered Reich to his family and was waiting for permission from the neurologist to be able to visit him again...

The rain pelted against the windows and I longed more and more to know how Reich was doing. Whether he had fewer problems with Third. And then the idea came. During treatment, Reich lived in an outbuilding in the Park de G. house. I would just sneak out at night! I took my coat and quietly opened the window. If the man of the house were to catch me...No! Better not think about that. My room was on the ground floor, so I could leave the room without any problems.

Splash! Splash! My footsteps sounded on the garden path. I had to find my way without lights so A.H or worse G.E couldn't see me. But somehow I found the outhouse. A light burned in a window. I stood next to it and looked inside. My heart skipped a beat. There he sat! My empire! He seemed to be reading. I took courage and knocked on the window.

His head whipped around and stared in my direction. The language in his eyes told me that he was happy to see me. This knowledge made me happy. The German came to the window and opened it. "Soviet!" He had tears in his eyes. I climbed in through the window and wanted to ask him how he was doing when I was already pushed onto the bed. Reich pushed me down with all his weight. "I have missed you so much!" I stroked his face. "Same to you..."

I smiled. Then we pressed our lips together. After a short time we detached ourselves to repeat the process. "That's so great~" I enthused and stroked my German on the back. "How are you otherwise, Rich?" He grinned. "Much better with you~"


I hope you like it q(≧▽≦q)

btw: I'm so sorry that there hasn't been a chapter for so long (っ °Д °;)っ

lg Oxford :)

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