Book 23;

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5 years later;

"Hey!" Russia trudged up the stairs. His left eye was swollen and the other eye glowed red. I bet he was at the party after all. I had actually forbidden him. "Russia?" My son's eyes moved to me. "What?!" he snapped and looked at me aggressively.

Why are teenagers like this? "I asked you a normal question," I said calmly. He twisted his mouth. "I was getting rid of friends..." I knew it! "With that China again?" I didn't like the guy. He caused my little one to think bad thoughts. Suddenly I felt two warm hands on my shoulders and a kiss on my cheek. “Please don’t be so hard on Russia, okay?” Reich tenderly nibbled on my earlobe. Russia grimaced and gagged. "Russia darling. Please let Germany watch your eye." He nodded. The German grabbed my hand. “Come with Bear,” he breathed and pulled me onto the balcony. I heard Russia going up the stairs, but then Reich took my complete attention.

We just stood there staring at each other in love. His lips enchanted me. I had to keep looking at it. He seemed to notice that. Reich grinned. "Do you want?~" And as I wanted.

I slowly reached for his face and pulled him close. His legs touched mine and his hands massaged my neck.

“May I?” I breathed while our noses touched. Reich licked my lips demandingly.

Then we put our lips on each other. Funny arose within me. The kiss became more aggressive and I grabbed Reich's hair. When we broke apart for a moment, spit ran from the corner of his mouth. "Again my bear~" Once again I attacked him and played with his tongue. I gently pushed against the railing of the balcony.

Reich groaned briefly as he dug his fingernails into my back. Our hearts beat in unison, but we couldn't let go of each other. It could have gone on forever.

Until suddenly Uk came out onto the balcony. My friend's eyes widened, he smiled distraughtly and quickly crept back to the glass door. "Guilty!" the Brit mumbled shortly before he disappeared.

Reich looked at me and we both laughed.

Welcome back 🖤
Lg Oxford

yes, Professor! {THIRDUNIUN}Where stories live. Discover now