Book 21;

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{Thanks for the almost 3,6K ヾ(≧▽≦*)o}

I fought against hopelessness and tried to clear my mind. A shiver ran down my spine. My hands felt the cold walls of the labyrinth. But all I found were cold rock walls. The piercing pain in my head continued to burn. With every breath, it became more difficult to control my limbs. But I knew that giving up was not an option. I had to keep going, no matter the cost. My survival instinct drove me. Time dragged on. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. I couldn't even hear Third anymore. Maybe the dark figure had fallen back? No! That would be too soon! Psycho Third must still be lurking somewhere here.

Suddenly, two red eyes flashed at me in the darkness, and I heard Third's deranged laughter. I froze in fear as I saw the red eyes in the darkness and heard Third's insane laughter. A chilling shiver ran down my spine. He looked like a predator in the darkness, ready to tear me apart. I felt my heart rate accelerate and adrenaline surge through my body. My survival instinct pushed me to find a way out.

I pressed myself against the wall, shallow and rapid breaths to avoid being detected. My mind raced as I desperately searched for an escape route. Time seemed to stand still, but I couldn't wait a second longer. I had no chance against Third's deranged strength and unpredictable mind.

With all my senses, I listened for sounds that could give me clues to his whereabouts. I could still hear his laughter, but it echoed from all sides, as if it was bouncing off the walls. Confused, I tried to focus on distinguishing Third's footsteps from the other sounds.

Suddenly, I heard a faint crack behind me. My heart rate skyrocketed as I turned around and saw Third right in front of me. His eyes sparkled with madness as he approached with a sinister grin. My body instinctively reacted, dodging his attacks. But it was like fighting against a shadow that was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. As I struggled to gain the upper hand, I felt my strength waning and darkness consuming me.

The last thing I heard was Third's brutal laughter and the feeling of inevitable defeat...

When I woke up again, I was lying in a hospital bed. My friend and house doctor, Uk, stood next to me. I felt weak and confused as I opened my eyes and saw the sterile environment of the hospital room. My head throbbed with pain, and panic began to rise within me. But when I saw the familiar sight of my best friend and house doctor, Uk, by my bedside, I felt a sense of relief.

Uk smiled warmly at me and gently squeezed my hand. "It's good to see you finally awake," he said with a reassuring voice. "You had an accident, but you're safe now and you'll recover." "How long was I unconscious?" I asked in a fragile voice. Uk sighed softly and answered my question. "You were in a coma for three days. We were worried about you, but you've made great progress."

Yay Chapter 21!

Regards, Oxford :)

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