Book 16;

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{Thank you very much for the almost 2K ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)}

I sat next to Reich and thought everything through again. Nobody would believe what happened today. The German moved back and forth in his sleep. I hoped that I could help him somehow. "IS HE ALRIGHT??" I was startled and almost fell out of my chair. "East!" Reich's son looked at me confused. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME AT ALL?" I said no. "THAT'S BAD! IMAGINE I'M A BURGLAR!" East was always a bit cheeky. I sent him back to the nursery with the other children.

I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up, Reich was sitting next to me and watching my bandage. "What happened? Soviet?" he asked nervously. I scratched the back of my head. "Should I be honest?" He nodded. "That" "ME?!" I should have foreseen this reaction. "Calm down, Reich. I'm fine." Reich didn't seem convinced.

I tried to calm him down as best I could. "It wasn't you at all." He looked at me blankly. "Soviet...I hurt you!" A kiss from me silenced him. When we pulled away, Reich was breathing heavily. "," he whispered and pressed my lips back to his...

After a few wonderful moments, Reich became serious again. "Please tie me up when we go to sleep at night." I agreed very reluctantly. But I knew that it would be better for us and especially for him...

The next night my partner screamed and snapped like a wild animal. From that point on, it was clear to me that Reich definitely needed help. So I called his mother. I explained the situation to her and agreed with her that her son, I and the children should come to their country estate. "What are you doing?" hissed the eerie figure that looked so much like my true love. "Shut up..." I thought for a moment. "What's your name? I ask because you don't deserve to be called 'Reich'." The second personality grinned. "You can call me Third"

Hello there!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

It wasn't that long because I have a lot to do school-wise.

Greetings Oxford :)

ps: What do you think will happen?

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