Book 32:

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In his clever way, Reich put his laundry in the suitcase. The curtains swayed in time with his hair in the wind coming through the open window. "Soviet...Don't drool," he said, chuckling, putting the clothes in a gym bag.

I just shook my head absentmindedly and didn't notice Reich start to change. Until suddenly a shoe came flying. "Out!!"

20 minutes later;

The tires of my old Mercedes rattled on the asphalt. The German snuggled into the seat and laughed at every pothole. "I missed driving," he smiled. But then he grimaced. "I want to go to the little ones" These pregnancy hormones... I patted him on the head. "Come on, let's get you your favorite ice cream from the supermarket." Reich nodded with tears in his eyes.

We drove to the supermarket and I accompanied him to the ice cream counter. He reached for his favorite type of chocolate and beamed at me. "Thank you for always being there for me," he said and placed a kiss on my cheek. We went back to the car and continued our journey. On the way home he told me about all the things he wanted to do with our child and I could see the excitement in his eyes.

When we got out, East and Germany immediately came sprinting towards us.

"FATHER!!! FATHER!! YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG!!" East was the first to embrace Reich. His loud voice sounded really happy.

Reich smiled broadly and hugged his son tightly. "I'm sorry I've been away for so long. But now I'm finally back and I'll never leave you again."

Germany joined the hugging circle and smiled brightly. "Welcome back, father. We really missed you."

Tears of joy welled up in Reich's eyes as he saw his children gathered around him. They were the most important thing in his life.

I laughed a little. "Shouldn't we go in?"

Hello my cucumbers (°°)~

The story is coming to an end. There are maybe 6-7 more chapters then it's over.

LG Oford (゚д゚)つ Bye

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