Book 28;

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(A quick sidefact on the side. The story was only supposed to be 10 chapters long, but! somehow you had a lot of interest in the story, which of course makes me very happy. :) Thanks for the reads and comments.ヾ(•ω•')o )  

"Is that you, Soviet?" My heart almost skipped a beat when I heard my partner's voice. "Yes! Yes! I'm here for you, my angel" I stroked his hair tenderly again. "Where are the children?" asked Reich weakly. "They're home. Russia is already sorting it out" Suddenly, the German began to cry. "I can't do this!! Soviettttt!" I was a little frightened, but immediately regained my composure and tried to calm Reich down. "What can't you do?" He looked at me irritated.

"I can't be a mom. I'm a man"

Yes... but he quickly notices that. "What?" My question hung in the room for 5 to 10 minutes until he took it up again.
"I mean, the kids can't call me mom, can they?"

What did he mean by "the children"?
"The children?" Reich seemed surprised. "I'm having twins. Didn't Uk tell you?" My legs started to wobble and I felt dizzy. "2?!" The German started laughing. "Yes 2. Isn't that nice?" I nodded, unsure. "Yes, my dear..."

I arrived home late at night to find an unpleasant surprise. I unlocked the front door and entered the hallway. Everything seemed calm. "Hello?" No Answer. "Russia?" No Answer. "Germany?" No Answer.

"Hello Soviet!" Confused, I turned to the door that led into the living room. In the doorway stood G.E. His expression said nothing good and his red eyes bored into my chest.

"Reich is pregnant. I know it." My blood froze in my veins. "But from where?" G.E grinned. "I'm a German. I just know it" He just knows it?! But how?! Who told him??? I bet UK! "It's true. But why are you here?"

G.E's facial expressions became more aggressive. "Am I not allowed to be here?!" Oh shit. "Of course they can." He stood in front of me. "First you steal my son and then you get Prussia's head!" Is he...jealous? No.. No.... That wouldn't make any sense, would it? "AND NOW RICH IS PREGNANT TOO!" I recognized small tears in his eyes. He's really jealous! G.E wanted to make it clear to me that he was the boss of the family.

yes, Professor! {THIRDUNIUN}Where stories live. Discover now