Book 33;

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(Thank you for the 7.2K 💕)

I looked around anxiously. Where were the other children? I actually had- "Dad!!" Two small hands fell around my neck. My baby girl Ukraine climbed onto my arm. I gently stroked her head and grinned.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SO LONG??!" I jumped back in surprise. Great....She's becoming East 2.0. 

I laughed softly and said reassuringly: "I was just there to pick up Reich. I didn't let you out of my sight, I promise." Ukraine laughed and hugged me tighter. "I missed you, Dad." My heart melted and I hugged her tightly. "You too, my sweetheart."

"Oh Ukraine...let's go in."

Pots clattered around on the stove and it smelled wonderful. What am I saying? Of course it smelled wonderful! I cooked. My family was in the living room. "Kazakhstan?" My son stumbled into the kitchen with a controller still in his hand. "Yes? You have to ask me something quickly. I'm playing with East Mario Card." I smiled. "Good. But please go get Russia. He disappeared to his room about 30 minutes ago."

The Kazakh nodded eagerly and ran out of the kitchen. I could still hear him hurrying up the stairs.

Shortly after, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Russia, looking a bit confused. "What's up, Dad?" asked he.

"I called for you 15 minutes ago." Russia looked at me annoyed. "I told you I was meeting friends today." You can forget that! I bet that China has something to do with it! "You're going to who?" I know I'm annoying him...but just to be safe.

"To some friends. We wanted to go for a drink," Russia answered shortly. I could feel my anger slowly building up. "You know I can't stand China. Why are you still hanging out with him?" Russia sighed and rolled his eyes. "China is one of my best friends, Dad. You should finally accept that."

I could not believe it. My own son preferred hanging out with my nemesis to spending time with me. "Okay, go and have fun. But remember whoever was there for you next time you let me down." Russia just looked at me annoyed before closing the door behind him.

I sighed heavily and sank onto the sofa next to Reich. Maybe I should think about why Russia was attracted to China. But one thing was certain, I would not allow this China to take my son any further away from me.

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