Book 5;

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I was devastated. How am I supposed to take care of my children?! Without my job, I could forget about Belarus' birthday party next month. I had promised her that. I desperately looked for a job and found one in our area. A job as a gardener in a fine area.I didn't know much about plants, but I could manage it. So over the next 3 weeks I learned everything I needed to know about gardening and wrote to the provider.In fact, I even got the job! A conversation separated me from work. The next morning I was supposed to come by there at 11:00 a.m. for a meeting. My heart raced with joy. My children were out of danger! I was able to continue to finance school in Russia and the kindergarten! I never thought I would enjoy work so much...The next day I went to the meeting with my new employer. First, however, I gave each of my 9 children a kiss on the forehead. "Have fun at school Russia!" I wished him and left the house.The path took me through half the city to the rich district. Magnificent villas towered into the sky and tried to outdo each other. 

I remembered the three-story house where my father and I lived together until he... let's leave that alone.My employer's house or rather villa was white and outshone any other I had seen so far. A really beautiful garden bordered the huge property.I wasn't sure if he still looked as beautiful when I cared for him.I had to prepare myself to look after an older lady's garden, but not a castle park!I entered the property still a little unsure...Only to be surrounded the next moment by two huge shaggy monsters. They were dogs. 3 large German Shepherd dogs had knocked me down. I didn't particularly like dogs. My decision remains with children.I just sat between the animals and let them sniff me. Until someone redeemed me. "Sit here! Riskan and Emmi-lise-Lotte" The name Riskan suited the dogs, but Emmi-lise-Lotte? Well, to each his own. My 'rescuers' turned out to be 10 year old boys. One of the boys helped me up. (As much as you can help a 2.15 guy than a 1.45 dwarf XD) 

"Thanks little man!" I said friendly. "Please sir?" Oh, that's right, I hadn't introduced myself yet. Great first impression. And as you know, that counts for a lot. "My name is Soviet and I'm supposed to work as a gardener here." The little boy with a golden mark on his face suddenly grinned at me. "AHHH YOU ARE THE NEW GARDENER??! COOL I'M NAME EAST!" he squealed loudly and held out his hand to me. I shook her timidly. But at the same moment the little man simply hugged me. So the father had to think again about upbringing. Really! Stealing it would be very easy. Of course I wouldn't do that. Please don't get the wrong view of me, okay?"So Mr. Soviet. I'm taking you to my father. My name is West or Germany and you already know the name of my screamer brother," announced the boy with glasses. East didn't let these accusations go. "SO BROTHER!!!! YOU'RE TOTALLY MEAN!" But Germany only replied coolly. "No, I'm not mean, I'm German"Wait what?! They were both German?! Maybe Reich was lurking around here somewhere?! "EXCUSE ME?" East snapped me out of my thoughts with his loud voice."Yes?" I wanted to know."CAN YOU CALL ME LITTLE MAN?"That was really cute. "Sure little man!" The child's eyes sparkled... 

 Hi! 🎉 

 Glad you've read this far.😆 

 What will happen?

 Why is Germany so unwelcoming?

 And will we meet Reich in the next chapter?

 Until next time❤🙏

 Greetings Oxford💫


 Artist: Joon

 Artist: Joon

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