Book 20;

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{Hi! Guys, thanks for your interest in the story ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)}

As I saw the knife coming towards me, I had no time to dodge. A sharp pain pierced through my head, and I felt the warm blood running down my temple. My senses blurred, and I became dizzy. My body wavered as I tried to maintain balance. But darkness seemed to engulf me, and I could no longer fight against its overwhelming power.

Time seemed to stand still, and I desperately tried to orient myself. Where was I? What had just happened? The memory of the incident became blurry, and I couldn't gather a clear thought. When I opened my eyes, I saw only an impenetrable blackness surrounding me. Panic gripped me as I reached out for any clue that would tell me I was still alive.

Slowly, I tried to pick myself up and cautiously felt my way forward. My hands found a cold, rough surface, and I realized I was on the ground. With trembling fingers, I touched my head and felt the sticky wetness of my own blood. A sharp pain shot through me again, making me groan. Nonetheless, I forced myself to continue walking, even though the darkness pressed upon me and I felt like I was in a nightmare-like labyrinth...

(The horror is over now ( '・・)ノ(._.') )

I hope you enjoyed it :D

Greetings Oxford

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