Book 10;

406 12 4

YAY 10 anniversary!! I'm happy ☺✨Thank you all for reading this!

Der kleine Deutsche führte mich zu einer weiteren weißen Tür. East schaute mich an. "ICH GEH WIEDER TSCHÜSS" Bevor ich ihn fragen konnte wo meine Kinder den stecken könnten, verschwand er in dem Gewirr von weißen Gängen. Ratlos stand ich vor der weißen Tür und überlegte. Die Fakten lagen klar. East hatte gesagt, dass diese Anlage Reich gehört. Fazit ist also, Reich muss wissen warum ich hier bin und wo meine Kinder sind. Ich öffnete die Tür und trat ein.

 As expected, Reich was sitting at a huge desk in the room. He looked up and smiled at me. This sight gave my heart a little pang. I didn't know why. "It's good that you're awake. Before you ask:" The German stood up, came in front of me and put a finger on my lips. My face heats up a little. I didn't want that much physical contact. Reich continued without removing his hand from my mouth. "Your children are with France." Then he released me from his hand and pointed to a chair. I sit down almost automatically. "What am I doing here? Since when have you been a doctor? Where from? Why with you?" the questions bubbled out of my mouth. My counterpart grinned. "Oh...that sounded like an accusation." He made a pouty face and something inside me contracted. I tried to ignore the pleasant warmth radiating from him. That didn't work particularly well; Reich must have noticed something. His grin grew wider.

"Oh Soviet. Don't be embarrassed," he purred. My patience was slowly wearing thin. "I want to go" The German suddenly stopped smiling. His face became tense...angry. "Don't you understand that I'm trying to build a bond with you?!" he snapped and glared at me. I was quiet. Rich my bully, employer tried what?! But I knew this angry, aggressive Reich from my school days. "I hired you...I...I KICKED YOU OUT OF YOUR APARTMENT!" His complexion was dark red. The end of his tantrum lingered in my mind. Something clicked.

"It was you?" I whispered quietly at first, but then louder and louder. "YOU WERE THAT?!" Now Reich became very quiet and looked at me in shock. I got up. Physically he was inferior to me. My gates, where I had locked up anger over the Axis bullying for all these years, all burst at once. "FIRST YOU MAKE MY SCHOOL TIME HELL AND THEN YOU SELL MY APARTMENT?! HOW CAN YOU? HOW CAN YOU?!" The German retreated to the other wall. " time?" he stuttered and looked at me like a frightened animal. I rolled up my sweater and showed him the scar from the razor incident. "THAT'S HOW YOU REMEMBER?" Something flickered in Reich's eyes. "That was you?" He just breathed it. Really quiet. "IT WAS ME! ALL THESE YEARS" Deep down I knew that it was already enough. I sit back down. My counterpart was still crouched against the wall. He seemed to have to come to terms with the fact that the guy he apparently liked. He was a victim of bullying.

After 30 minutes, Reich got up again and came to the desk. He looked as if his world view had collapsed. 

He moved slowly. Even though I hated him, I had to admit that his masses were excellent. Something was pulling towards him. I probably would have slapped myself beforehand, but he deserved it and I haven't had any sexual contact in three years. I stood up again. He looked scared. It was now time to show him who was stronger. 

"Please don't hurt me," he whined. There was a lot of sweat on his forehead. I moved towards him very slowly, enjoying the way he felt fear. "I do everything!" I didn't let his pleading bother me. He backed away. A piece and another piece. "Please!" My mouth formed a grin. "Everything?" 

The German nodded. "Yes! Yes! Just don't hurt me." In a hasty movement I grabbed him.

It stayed silent for 3 minutes. Until Reich's body language suddenly changed. His fear-filled face gave way to a relaxed one. "Hahaha. It's nice that you take the offensive too~" he purred. I recoiled. "But...But..." I said. The German leaned towards me.

Why was he no longer afraid of death?! Why?!

"I was never afraid of you~" My eyes widened. " were scared?!" He shook his head. "No. You were just really cute during your outburst"

Reich leaned on my chest, stroked my cheek and guided himself over his lips. "So what should I do to make you forgive me?"

Why was he no longer afraid of death?! How come?!

"I was never afraid of you~" My eyes widened. " were scared?!" He shook his head. "No. You were just being very cute during your outburst."

Reich leaned on my chest, stroked my cheek and guided his lips. "So what should I do to get you to forgive me?"

I was ready to scare him again. I grabbed his chin and directed my lips to his. His eyes widened. I got control of his mouth immediately. I sent my tongue exploring.

Reich moaned softly, which really turned me on. When we separated again, the German grinned. "You kiss well, big guy~" 

Hello! 🇩🇪🏳️‍🌈

 I wrote 10 chapters!!!😌😝 Finally!!

 Greetings Oxford💫

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