Book 25;

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When I finally found the chocolate ice cream, almost 3 hours had passed.

When I returned, Reich was still sitting in bed with the blanket over his head, looking grumpy. I placed the chocolate ice cream and pickles on the nightstand and pulled the blanket off his face.

"Here, your chocolate ice cream with pickles," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

Reich looked at me sternly and took a spoonful of ice cream that contained a big piece of pickle. He put it in his mouth and chewed slowly. His face contorted into a mixture of disgust and pleasure.

"Isn't it disgusting?" I asked, watching him shovel this repulsive combination into his mouth.

Reich washed down the ice cream with a sip of cola and laughed. "It's just perfect! The sweet chocolate and the salty pickles... a taste explosion!"

I couldn't help but grin. Even though I didn't want to try the ice cream.

Sometimes his preferences were very strange.

But that's exactly what made him so unique and interesting to me. We were a perfect mismatched pair, but somehow we fit together. I vowed not to be put off by his strange preferences and instead just watch him enjoy his chocolate ice cream with pickles. There was no reason to judge him for his weird taste combinations - everyone had their own way of liking things. And for Reich, it was chocolate ice cream with pickles.

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