Process events

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Neteyam Pov

Finally, I can go back to sleep after all of today. Walking over to my bed I fall face-first into it.

Looking around one more time before just making sure I will not be woken up by lo'ak.

After a couple of minutes, I feel my body drift asleep and darkness starts to surround me.


Neteyam: Uh what the eywa was that?

Getting out of bed I rush outside. Looking around I couldn't find what caused the gunshot.

Was that my imagination?


What the eywa was that now? I ran towards the sound seeing one of the huts was destroyed. Dad is not going to like that.

Are we under attack? No, there can't be. There aren't any RDA soldiers attacking.

Well, there is only one way to know I'm sure y/n is already there. Running over to the destroyed hut the dust was still floating around making it hard to see.

There were two figures I could make out in all of this dust. One was lying down on a pile of something and the other was on the ground looking at the person lying down

Walking closer my vision becomes more apparent: the person above the other was my sister.

Neteyam: Kiri?

Looking at the other person my body goes into shock at the realization of who is there and what I see.

The body that was lying down and had a gunshot in it was.....Y/n.

Neteyam:k..kiri....what happened.

She doesn't respond to anything I say or even acknowledge that I am next to her. I move my hand and grab her shoulder.


She flings her arms around panicking at the event that just happened.

Neteyam: Kiri, kiri your fine it is going to be alright

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. She does not move or say anything till a couple of seconds later when I feel her tears falling down my shoulder crying out her heart content.


Turning to the voice of lo'ak he had his hands on his head.

Neteyam: I....I'm not sure what happened I only just got here

Neteyam: Kiri what happened here?

Kiri: I....I.....I don't know all I heard was a gunshot then he came falling onto this place............... We have to do something he can't die

Looking at him he was already not in a great state with the gunshots close to his heart maybe hitting something big.

But what can we even do? He will die soon from this and I'm not sure his body can live through this.

Lo'ak: Neteyam, remember that story Father told us?

Wait, maybe that could work. If it works for Dad then it could work with him.

Looking at Kiri as she looks at y/n body. It did not work on her mother. What if it happens again?

I have to try for my friend and Kiri.

Neteyam: where is Father at lo'ak?

Lo'ak: I'm not sure the last I saw of him was with Mother going to their hut.

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