Final training arc 2.0

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The sunlight hitting his eyelids he tossed around a bit. But decided to to open his eyes he let out a groan

He couldn't feel his arm. He looked to his side to see Kiri sleeping.

He flipped himself onto his side so that he was facing her.

He moved his free hand close to her face and then pushed some of her hair out of the way.

Her eyes twitched, feeling his cold hands on her face. She opened her eyes to see him and she smiled at him.

Y/n: good morning beautiful.

Kiri: Good morning handsome.

She chuckles at her last response to him.

Y/n: we should probably get ready and head on down

Kiri: No, I don't want to.

She clung onto his waist like a little kid not wanting to leave.

Y/n: hey come on we got to clean up and you need to put your clothes on.

Kiri: AH!

That is when she finally realizes she forgot she was naked and was not wearing anything.

She frantically looked around for her pieces of clothes.

Y/n: why are you freaking out? I have already seen you naked a couple of times.

Kiri: Maybe so but who knows a person could show up any moment.

Y/n: yeah true very much so.

She got up and walked over picking up parts of her outfit. She touched her chest feeling some leftover and somewhat dry cum on her body.

Kiri: I need to get clean before even heading back to the others.

Y/n knew what she was saying he had a firm idea of what she was talking about.

Y/n: I mean we have the ocean on one quick jump in and you would be clean up or at least the sleep would be gone from you.

Kiri: You're right then I can go and get the thing I need to get fully cleaned up.

Y/n walked over closed his backpack and put it on his back.

Y/n: alright ready for when you are.

Kiri: ready as well. but it is going to take us a while to get back down.

Y/n: don't worry I got this.

He walked close to the edge and made a loud whistle sound. They waited about a minute or two.

That was when a flapping sound could be heard getting louder till his ikran appeared landing close by.

Y/n: Hey girl, how are you doing?

He walked over and gave the ikran a scratch on its chin making it squeal happily

Kiri came over to the ikran, turned its head towards here, and got a sniff of something that it didn't like.

Kiri: woah calm down.

Y/n: don't worry I got this not sure why it reacted like that to you.

He rubbed its head and told it to calm down and that she was fine.

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