Bath and Beginning stages. (Lemon)

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After that, Neytiri pulled me into the area that I used for cleaning myself. Kiri ran to catch up to the both of us.

Thank god for these pieces of cloth that I don't need to take off or else my 6 inches defeater would be hanging out right now. Also to note the same as my human body and not even hard.

Thank you, god, for this gift. Next thing I know I hear holy music playing except it was from my mind. Nothing around us could be playing music.

God: you are welcome my son. Make good use of it.


God: yes my son always has been.

Y/n: I don't know what to say but thank you.

God: you welcome my son. I must be off now but just know I'm proud of you.

Just as soon as he was here he was gone now. Kiri and Neytiri were setting up the water system that they have.

Moving to the stool I sit down on it. Kiri brings some soap and a brush. That's what I think they were, at least they look like those items. Neytiri comes over with a bucket of warm water and a rag.

Kirk moves to my front and Neytiri to my back. Neytiri put the water bucket in between her and Kiri.

Neytiri put the rag in the water. Mix it with the soap. She put it above me and squeezed its water onto my body.

It takes my willpower to not think of anything to not get hard at the moment. Kiri was looking at me with a smug face. As if she knows what I'm thinking about

She grabs the other rag and starts moving it on my body. The smug face did not last long, however. As she starts to blush after looking at me.

Taking the moment as she spaced out I moved my hand in front of her face and flicked her forehead.

Kiri: Ow ow that fucking hurt.

Neytiri: Kiri! Languages.

Kiri moves her hair out of her face.

Kiri: Whatever.

She looks at me and gives a small punch on my chest in a quiet tone so only I can hear.

Kiri: you're an asshole

Y/n: maybe so but you like this asshole

I gave her a smirk showing a bit of tooth as I did so and she gave a small smile as well.

Out of nowhere, I get a weird sensation on my back or more like in the tail. Looking back I see Neytiri washing my tail.  Our eyes quickly met. She looks away

She then tries to start a conversation after an awkward eye meeting.

Neytiri: So Y/n how are you finding our way of doing things?

Y/n: Well training with you was one of the best parts.

She started to blush and looked away. Looking at Kiri was getting jealous from looking at her face as she pouted.

Y/n: As well as your family, make it more fun as well. I probably need to see Jake soon with information on what I know.

I also need to talk to Rick about that and see if he can give me some information.

Neytiri: Jake has been talking about how he wants to talk to you as soon as you're better.

"Small smut"

Looking at Kiri she was just quiet. Taking her by surprise I grabbed her breast.

Kiri: "YELP"

Neytiri: Are you alright Kiri? What was that noise?

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