getting my own banshee

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Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well and ready for a new chapter. I want to take some time and say something real quick. I've been thinking about what someone has said and how correct it is. The excuses I make for adult content are pretty bad and how I should not be just doing it for you guys.

After some thought, I decided that we will just keep going the way it is because. Overall we all are here to read a story and for adults content. Thought I just try to make better excuses.

A lot of you guys have been supporting me and just taking the book the way I want to. So I decided to stop the votes from the past chapters and just do what I want. From time to time I will ask you, guy, what you would like to have in the book from time to time. Because I still want you guys to feel included in some choices of the book. So let's get to it.


Feel something heavy on my lower body. I open my eyes from my good sleep to see Kiri sitting on me. She was sitting on me just like when she was on top of the tube with her mom in it.

She had one leg farther back down my leg and the other farther up. She had a smile on her face and both of her hands on my chest.

(Imagine this but she is on top of you)"Well, this is a nice sight to see first thing in the morning

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(Imagine this but she is on top of you)
"Well, this is a nice sight to see first thing in the morning." The smile on her face is even bigger. I move my hand onto her thighs and she yelps from my hand.

"You are a yelping person aren't you Kiri" looking all over her body she had her fabric pieces of clothes just bent a bit in her area." So what can I do for you today." she does a bit of a jumping motion with her body.

"Y/n!! You get your banshee today, are you ready?!" she was excited about this for some reason." Oh, that sounds awesome when are we going to go?" she start to get off me and head to the opening of the tent " As soon as you wake up and the best part is I get to go with you and my mom"

She leaves the tent. Getting up I go take a shower and freshen up. Heading to leave I noticed something on the ground. It was water and it came from where I was sleeping. It is the exact spot where Kiri was sitting.

Wait, I know what this is? Was Kiri wet? Smiling at how I barely need to do anything and it seems I already got Kiri around my finger. Just need to figure out how to get Neytiri. Maybe I can do something about her clan as she always talks about it.

Heading to the main building I made some breakfast for me and Kiri as she always comes to eat here. After she leaves to go back to the mountain. Heading to the desk I pull out a book. Flipping through the pages to get to the chapter called sexual imprinting.

Reading what sexual imprinting is described as a form of learned mate preference for a trait that an individual has observed in its population. It is basically when they learn what kind of partner they want.

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