Training arc 2.0

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The night sky covered the area As Y/N walked heading to a beach area where he was supposed to meet up with Tonowari today was going to be his first day of training under him.

He was not sure what he was going to learn but he knew that he was going to want to die afterward probably.

He was still quite tired. He did not get much sleep because he had talked with Tsireya for a while last night. He learned of some of the differences when using his hands underwater. He was right that the way they talked was close to sign language.

But he learned of how it said slightly differently. Anyway, Tsireya left him saying how she was going to need to wake up early as well then.

She left before he could ask her what she meant by that but she was gone as a ghost.

He made it to the beach that Tonowari told him about. It was a good spot spread out nicely and it was just a great view of the place. He could see Tonowari a couple of feet away; he was admiring the view of the night school.

He walks close to him even looking up as well.

Tonowari: great view ain't it?

Y/n: it is.

The night sky reflected in the water and the stars were glittering away.

He turned to him and had something on his hands. Looking at it... well from where he stood it looked like trash.

But he knew better than to guess something like that.

Tonowari: Here is a gift to help suit you more to your surroundings.

Tonowari: I had these made as soon as we got back yesterday after helping Jake.

Y/n let out a sigh as he was right he knew what they were already they were clothes.

Y/n: thank you Tonowari

Tonowari: go on try it there a spot over there you can use.

The point behind a boulder that was up in the sand.

He walked over behind looking at it. He had to admit it was a solid change from what he had been wearing.

There was a new armband thing he wrapped right under the cloth that he got back from his Ilu. He now had two on his arm.

Now for a while, he had something that would be a shirt kinda but with this, he is shirtless now.

But there was something he could have on for it was something like a sea root or was it a tree root.

He was not sure but it wrapped from his top left shoulders to the other side of his stomach.

It did not cover much his chests were still showing out to the world and his solid abs.

He always saw Kiri looking at them when they slept together so she will probably be happy about it.

But he now has his abs to show off to the ladies.

He got a new loincloth this time it had little holes poking out he was not sure why but they were there.

Finally of course he got new " underwear" It made him wonder if they had the same thing as the jungle Navi.

About how the female can't wear the underwear or can they wear them this time makes him think for a solid moment

But anyway, he finished with his new clothes but he had one more thing to add to his outfit.

He grabbed it from his old clothes. It was a knife strap that he wrapped around his upper right leg.

He made it that way so it was easier to grab it when he needed it during fights.

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