Not exactly how I thought day would go

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Y/n was making his way to meet up with the other. The plan that they had was to collect anything that they needed for their clothes.

Y/n was tagging along for two reasons: one was to get something he could use for a date tomorrow.

Mostly spices for the meat that he was able to get from Tonowari yesterday.

It arrived early in the day and was supposedly wrapped in some kind of leaf to help keep the meat good.

But the second reason why he came was to see how Neytiri was doing and to mess around with the highly futuristic sex toy(for plot reasons if you remember what I said about them)

Y/n heard footsteps approaching fast it sounded so familiar, almost like a small Navi girl......wait a small Navi girl? That was when his dodging sense kicked in.

He moved to the left just in time to see tuk who was jumping to where he was just at.

With no one there she falls into the water.

Y/n: hehe almost got me this time

That is when he feels two hands on his back pushing him into the water.

He swam quickly back up and turned to look to see who pushed him. Kiri was looking at him trying to cover her mouth from letting a chuckle out.

Kiri: should have watched out where you were walking.

Y/n: yeah my bad I fell into the water. What is that?

Kiri: hm?

Y/n made a motion with his arm pushing some of the water out and hitting Kiri.

Kiri: cold AW!

She backed away from the edge of the floor so that he could not get her again.

Y/n swan to a spot where he could pull himself up. Getting up Neteyam walked over and helped pull him up.

Y/n: thanks.

Neteyam: yeah no problem.

He walked over and helped tuk out of the water. She looked like a cat. ( feels like I used a cat as a reference so much in this story)

Loak who was watching ran and jumped into the water.

Neteyam: what Loak come on man come over he-

Loak came over and pulled on Neteyam's leg making him fall into the water. He quickly reappeared from the water.

Neteyam: Loak man come on.

Loak: what? Come on, live a little. life is too short to not be having some fun.

Neteyam: that sounds pretty wise for you Loak

Loak: Are you saying I'm not smart huh?

Neteyam: yes

Y/n & kiri: yes

Loak: Man will there ever be a day you guys don't gang up on me?

Neteyam: who knows now come on we got to do some looking around to see what we can use

That is when a flash of blue slashes in front of the two buys a couple of seconds before it popped back out of the water it was tuk.

Neteyam: come on tuk now it going to take more time for us to get out of here

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