is that a mother fucking whale

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The last couple of days had gone by pretty fast. y/n spent the last couple of days talking to Ronal. But this time y/n was walking with Neteyam. He came by the day before to tell him that Loak wanted them to all meet for something.

Y/n: So what do you think loak wants?

Neteyam: not sure all he said to me was something happened when Aonung took him outside the reef last week and he wanted to talk about it but we were gone so he waited for us to come back.

Y/n: Hmm strange but alright anyway how is your leg doing now that you're walking again?

He lifted his leg and put some pressure on it.

Neteyam: almost as good as new. Anyways, did you hear that there is going to be a celebration for Tonowari for him becoming one with eywa?

Y/n: yeah ronal told me about it.

Neteyam: You've been spending a lot of time with her.

Y/n: yeah after getting to know her a lot more it felt like she was not as bad as I thought. I think she is starting to warm up to me as well.

Neteyam: Well hey that's good then. I know she hasn't liked us because of our blood and you not a lot more because of your avatar.

Y/n: I mean yeah at first she was a bitch but she is better now than before.

Neteyam: Well, no point in talking about it now. Since it is in the past now.

y/n nodded his head agreeing with Neteyam that there was no point in worrying about something that didn't matter anymore.

Y/n: well anyways we better not keep the others waiting.

Neteyam: yeah..... The last one there Is a prolemuris!

Neteyam took off running. y/n shook his head as he ran after him. The two were running neck and neck trying to beat the others. After a bit of running and jumping on rocks. They made it to the place.

They stopped a couple of feet away from the others. The two were trying to catch their breath after running for a while

Y/n: I "huff," told you "huff" I would win. Take that Neteyam.

Neteyam: As "huff" if you won "huff" that. It is quite obvious that I won.

As the two talked loak and aonung walked over to the both of them.

Aonung: it took you both long enough

Neteyam: Hey don't blame me I was stuck waiting for this guy.

He pointed over his shoulder towards y/n.

Y/n: woah hey now wait a minute you were the one who wanted to take the long way to this place. "Sigh' well anyways we're here now.

y/n looked around the place noticing that someone was missing.

Y/n: Hey where is Kiri at?

Loak: she went into the water she seemed like she was thinking about something.

Y/n: All alright well I'll go get her then be back in a few guys.

y/n went jogging over to the beach. He hasn't seen Kiri since Tonowari's funeral. He was sure she would have come to visit him. He took a couple of steps into the water before he dived down into the water.

He looked around and saw her a couple of feet away looking around at the fish that were swimming around peacefully. He starts swimming over to her.

 He starts swimming over to her

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