Tuk massage lemon chapter

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Opening my eyes I get out of bed and head to the door. Cracking it open I looked around and saw no one was outside. Stepping out I walked quickly boarding any security that they had.

Walking to the area for the banshee to land I whistled out and my banshee whom I have yet to name came to fly down(still waiting for name suggestions) I got on top of it and we launched and fly around.

After a couple of minutes, it landed on the ground of the cave where I'm at. Getting off of it I head over to the cave. Walking inside I see the science building. Opening the door I walked in and grabbed the oil for later.

Next morning

I told tuk to head over as soon as she could after we had dinner last night. Hearing a knock at the door I get up and open the door.

Standing there was tuk with her very innocent smile not knowing what was about to happen.

Tuk: So Y/n this will help with my soreness?

She walked inside my hut. I close the door behind her and lock it without her noticing.

Y/n: Yea it's an old thing back on earth you could get a message that would help your body relax or just help it feel better.

Y/n: just head over to that little table over in the corner.

Tuk: Alright then I'm sure that it would be great whatever this thing you call a massage.

Smut begins ;) I hope you like it.

Tuk headed over to the massage table that I had made and set up. Walking over to her she was now laying down on her stomach on the table.

Y/n: all right tuk leave everything to me. You are going to feel better than before

Walking over grabbing massage oil that had been made. I headed back to her and started to put the oil from her legs to her back.

As I put the oil on her body I noticed that her pussy was in full view from where I stood. I smirk at the ideas I'm about to do to her.

I moved my hand to her feet first to not make her feel uncomfortable straight away. Putting a bit of pressure on her feet I start at the palm of her feet.

Tuk; that feels great.

Y/n: that's good to hear

Moving my hand in a rotation on the muscle of her feet. Her feet curl up from it. I move to her legs to not cramp her feet. Rubbing her leg, especially the higher part also known as her thighs. I could see my hands sink a bit into her thighs.

Her thighs felt like marshmallows, nice, soft, and squishy. The oil made her skin shine as well. Moving my hands up and down then I move them into her inner thighs her body twitches

Tuk:.....are your hands supposed to be there?

Y/n: Tuk I have done this before I know what I'm doing. Just relax and let me do all the work. Also, there are a lot of important muscles that need to be massaged in that area.

I move my hand to direct the outside of the pussy lips. Rubbing the side of tuk pussy lips she starts to make a small moan. Her tail starts to swing left and right and tries to wrap around me.

Tuk:  "huffs" whatever "huffs" you doing is making "huffs" me feel fuzzy inside" huffs"

Not responding to her. I move my hand to her entrance and put a finger inside her. Her tail bolt upwards. I use my other hand to rub her pussy. she starts to moan more. Using my other hand I start to finger her.

She moves her ass upwards as if asking to be dominated. Her clothe piece was hanging down if this was a front full I would be having a good look. I take my hands away from her and push her ass back down she was breathing erotically.

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