Leaving for a better place and Destiny

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There is a poll at the end of this chapter about what to do for a certain character please answer it if you would now enjoy this chapter

*First person*

Kiri: If only you had never met me you would still be alive.

My eyes bolt open looking at the roof of the hut. My breath was heavy, and I did my best to slow it down. After a couple of minutes, it finally slowed down a bit.

It was that dream again this would make it the third time that it happened since I left that cave when we were exploring.

It still seems so real but the question was is it real? Letting out a sigh it tried to grab my inner nose but something was stopping my hand from going up. Trying my other hand it was the same result.

Y/n: what in the world?

Looking down at my hand I see Kiri on one side hugging it looking at my other hand I see Tuk hugging it. Now this was an interesting thing happening here. Feels like I'm kinda fucked here.

But I need to wake them up for the ceremony. Looking up I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. Till it swings open.

Neteyam: Y/n wake up we need to head.....out soon

He looks at him and sees Kiri and Tuk on both sides of him

Neteyam: I'm sorry for bothering you.

He says that as walks back closing the door.

Left him there with a now-waking Kiri and Tuk.

Kiri: morning

Tuk: morning

Tuk still looked like she was waking up as she said that. Fuck might as well be the one to question what happening.

Y/n: hey uh why are both of you guys in my home?

Kiri: Oh, that was because of me. I was going to come over to sleep next to you like we used to but Tuk was still scared. So I brought her with me so she would not be scared by herself.

Tuk: Kiri said that you are nice to sleep with and she was right.

Kiri: Tuk!

It's funny because I saw Tuk already sleeping with my avatar. I guess it has been a couple of days since she has slept with it. But still, some of what she said must be from when she slept with it.

Y/n: you both need to get ready for the ceremony you are part of.

They both seemed to be conflicted. Tuk looked sad however Kiri looked not sure about this. They both get up and walk out of the hut probably heading there.

Getting up I grabbed what I had brought with me. Opening the backpack I looked into it, seeing some of the stuff I made with the printer before I destroyed the place. Grabbing the medpack I walk over and bandage my cut from when I was being shot at.

*third-person Timeskip*

Y/n sat up in a tree close by to watch the ceremony Since he was never accepted into the clan he can't take part in it. Jake was standing on the high part of the Tree of Souls.

He stood next to the new clan leader. He raised a bone-shaped knife and struck it down on his chest almost looking like he stabbed him.

From what y/n was told about this, it was a sign that his clan leader Toruk Makto was officially dead or something like that.

They walked between the two sides of groups of people seeing them off.

Neytiri looked like she was almost in tears. Walking beside her was Tuk who was hugging her. Behind Kiri, she was wearing something that he had never seen her wear before.

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