Welcome to Pandora (re-edit)

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Feeling my body floating around almost like I was lying in the water was kinda soothing. Especially after what felt like a long nap.

Opening my eyes I looked around to remember where I was. It was a camber meant to keep the person sleeping during a long trip.

Looking out of the glass container I see a blurry thing heading towards me as my eyes are still trying to adjust.

As my eyes finally got used to it the blurry thing was on the side of the container pushing something causing the container to open.

Pushing it with my hands and with the person's help I get out of it.

Looking around there were other people like the one that helped me out. Helping the other soldiers.

???: Are you Y/n born in the USA?

Y/n: that is correct I'm one of the whitest men you ever find with the highest privileges than other people.

Man if this was back during the 2000s I would probably get canceled for saying that.

The person was looking at me like they were not ready for this bullshit in the morning without coffee.

???: The person seems diffusional after waking up

They were talking to themselves as they were typing something down on the keyboard.

???: you are to head down to carrier 6B.

Y/n: Alright Alright I get it I'll head down there.

They push themselves to head to different containers that are just like my own.

This was one of the weirdest things I have done as I was put to sleep before they launched.

I put my feet under me as I hold onto the side and push myself away from the "floor".

I felt my body float almost like I was flying. Till my body smacked right into the other container.

Y/n: fuck that hurt.

Shaking it off I prepare myself and jump a couple more times feeling more and more of my brain cell dipping away.

Finally making it the carrier that will take us down I look at the other people who were getting ready by strapping down to the seat.

Heading over to the open seat that had my name on it I flipped over and sat down. Looking under my seat I see my bag.

After checking it to make sure it was all good I looked back and I strapped myself down. I looked at the person next to me as he was hyperventilating.

Y/n: first time?

???: Yeah what about you?

I shake my head.

Y/n: no, no not my first time. Get ready for a fun ride man.

Letting out a small chuckle.  At the obvious lie, as I have never been on something like this. The door to the carrier closes and after a couple of minutes, it starts to shake.

The gravity in the ship disappears as things start to float around. The man next to me was panicking out of nowhere his trap came undone.

???: WAIT?!!! What the fuck man oh shit.

He was heading to the roof of the carrier and some of the others were having the same problem.

Some were hitting each other. While others were making it into the walls

That lasted only for a couple more seconds until gravity was re-enabled.

The man who was next to me fell back onto the ground.

???: uh

Y/n: you Alright man?

???: maybe just give me some time.

His bag that came undone when gravity was off fell back down on top of him. He was not moving.

Y/n: you still good?

???: no I'm not

A man who was sitting down in the front seat got up and walked over to the giant door.


Fuck man this guy can scream if he wants to. He had some kind of mask on the side of his waist.

???: there that's better now than as we descend to the planet I have to explain some shit to you people

Ayo, that's kinda racist for him to say that.

???: firstly on the back of your seat you have this mask right here.

He grabbed the mask off his waist and was showing it around. Doing as he said I grabbed the one that was behind my seat.

???: on this shit planet we are not able to breathe the air here so you must wear this mask. You simply put it on your face like this and clip the side of it to lock it on your face.

Doing exactly that, I feel it suction to my face. But breathing makes it easier to do so.

???: Now if anyone here would like to test it, be my guest to do so. Now then onto step two when these doors open you are going to want to run to the giant building in front of your face.

???:  watch where you're going if you don't want to be squished like a pancake. Now get ready in a couple of minutes these doors will open.

He went and sat down on his seat. Unstrapping myself I get up and grab my stuff and put the straps on my shoulder to carry it.

Feeling the carrier stop shaking a red light lit up on top of the door the man gets back up and walks closer to the door.

He hits the button on the wall close to him and the doors start to open up with a loud sound going off.

???: Oh before I forget welcome to Pandora you dipped shits

We all quickly line up and start to jog out of the carrier.

Look around as we head to the building. There were some people in mechanized mech walking around and giant machine cars.

There was no real color, it was just gray everywhere. Expect the sky it was blue with smog covering it

It reminds me of home. I feel like I'll fit right in. A smirk formed on my face. As I continue jogging into the building, I enter it.

Word count 1114

The original had only 600 words that 500 extra words with extra details or new things

Well there it is the the remake chapter I hope you guys like the changes that I have made I remade it from the ground up with some of the same stuff from the original in mind to keep it the same but completely different at the same time

Now then time to do the same for this part. I just want to say I hope you guys enjoy this series and thank you for reading this book. I know I'm not the best but I hope you guys continue to read it

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