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Also big thanks to
Charles Linder

*a few days prior*

Y/n was at the back of the crowd riding his Ilu. He wasn't focused on what was happening he was staring down at the water both seeing his reflection as well as the deeper layer of the water the life underneath,

He sighed deeply, thinking about how he was living his life on Pandora.

He did things that he wasn't exactly proud of especially because the thing he had done would list him as a villain. He wouldn't deny that the things he has done are things a villain would do.

Just thinking about it can drain a person's morale especially the biggest which is regret but at the same time he doesn't regret what he did,

y/n noticed his water reflection was starting to wobble looking at what was causing it he noticed that they were coming from someone else who was making his way over.

As they got closer they passed him and then turned around so they could ride next to each other. The person looked at him with the normal smile that he usually likes to have on his face.

Y/n: oh hey Tonowari what are you doing back here shouldn't you be at the front leading us?

Tonowari: Well we have some downtime till we get to the next place that the creature was last seen at and I noticed you, my young friend, what troubles you?

Y/n: is it really that obvious?

Tonowari: I can tell through your body and connection with your Ilu.

y/n looked at himself then at his Ilu. before looking back at Tonowari.

Tonowari: I could see you from the front seeing your face seeing how you seemed troubled as well as your Ilu. Did you not notice that it was acting differently than normal?

Y/n: now that you say something she has been pretty quiet for some time now.

Y/n reaches out and starts to scratch its head which turns its face from a sad look back to its more normal Cheery personality.

Tonowari: remember my friend that your connection allows you both to feel each other. Your Emotions as well. But back to the naib topic, what troubles you, my friend?
Y/n looked down thinking for a moment before letting out a sigh and then looking back up at the water looking lively as normal.

Y/n: I.......I have been thinking about what kind of person I am. How horrible of a person I am for being selfish and greedy

Tonowari: You see these as traits that make you a bad person?

y/n nodded at him.

Tonowari: I may not know what you have done in the past but just because you have those traits doesn't make you a bad person. Those come from your actions now then think, have things you done hurt anyone?

y/n thought back to the thing he had done had he hurt anyone?.................................................... Nop no one comes to mind at all to him. Yep, no one at all.

But now Tonowari mentions it. Has he done any good from his actions? He got kiri videos from her mother that were about her. He got the two brothers' video of their father when he was younger. Saved tuk as well as pleasuring Neytiri who has been slightly sexually frustrated.

Y/n: you know after thinking about both the bad and the good things I had done. I have done more good than bad. But that doesn't mean the bad things I have done weren't for the right reason.

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