What come next

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Y/n: Man you scared me, what are you doing here?

They put a finger up to their lips telling him to be quiet.

???: you should not be here. Why are you even here?

Y/n: It's hard to ignore when people I know are in trouble. Why are you here though? I mean I'm not complaining but how did you end up here?

???: we got a radio call from lo'ak about there being avatar users in this area.

Y/n: then what are we waiting for? We need to go and save the others.

???: you should head back this is not something you could do just like that.

Y/n: I'm sorry neytiri but fuck that. they may be your kids but they are also my friends.

Well not all of them were his friends for all he cares spider can go die.

Y/n: also I would not be giving orders to me if I were you. Especially because of what you did. It's kinda hard to follow someone who would cheat on her husband right in front of him.

Neytiri: You know that's not what happened.

Y/n:*shrugs* You still went with it, don't forget that. Now excuse me I'm going to go and save your kids now.

He started walking from tree branch to tree branch. She looked at him wanting to refute what he had said but she also couldn't deny what he said. For some reason, she got a feeling from down below but she pushed it off as she had more important things to worry about.

The rain came in which made it harder to see anything as well as walking on the trees.

She followed in his footsteps as it was better to work together than not. y/n on the other hand was checking if he had everything ready. Even though he was wearing what a Navi would wear he had his fair share of normal things.

Such as a strap to hold his knife on his leg and a pistol ready to shoot in his hand with an ammo belt on his side. As they got closer to the place Neytiri stopped following him and pulled her bow out ready to take a shot at what was to come.

y/n crouched down behind a tree and looked past to see lo'ak he was sitting on the ground with the avatar user close by. y/n slowly walked as close as he could without being seen looking down he saw what looked like a background person and you can't blame him a lot of them look like your everyday Joe.

He grabbed his knife ready to kill them. Then he heard the sound of something kinda sound like a dying bird. Each of the kids seemed to notice what it meant.

Looking around he spotted a soldier who had kiri and tuk in front of him using them as a shield of sorts. Kiri was whispering about something that looked like she was praying. He pulled her by her hair and told her to shut up.

The soldiers seemed to notice something was up and were ready for a fight.

y/n got his knife ready. That was when he heard Kiri praying again the guy pulled her head back about to tell her to shut up. However, he was cut short when an arrow hit him in the head.

y/n jumped down as soon as he saw the arrow flying. He landed on the guy making him let out a grunt sound then he stabbed him in the head.

All hell breaks loose as Lo'ak pulls a pin on a gas grenade.

Y/n ran as fast as he could knocking over the person who grabbed Kiri and stabbing the knife into his stomach

Kiri: Y/n!

Not wasting time he quickly looked at her and spider who was close by.

Y/n: Kiri! Spider! Go now!

The two ran for the tree line with y/n using his pistol to fire back giving them cover.

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