Jake plan and celebrate

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After closing the door to the hut I headed out after what happened to Tuk. I didn't want anyone to see that. I headed to Jake's tent knocking on it only hearing one set of footsteps.

Opening the door to my surprise it was Neytiri who stood there.

Y/n: oh Neytiri I was not expecting you here. I'm looking for Jake. Do you know where I can find him?

Neytiri: Y/n out of bed already you should rest more.

Y/n: I'm good as new so there is no real reason to not walk around.

Neytiri: that's good to hear y/n. I think Jake is in the war tent over there.

Looking over you see a tent different from the other as it seems to have more supplies put into it.

Y/n: Alright thank you Neytiri I need to go meet up with Jake. He has something to talk with me about.

Neytiri: no problem y/n now you be careful

As you walk away you notice as Neytiri starts to sniff around for a bit trying to find the smell. Could it be the lingering scent of what he and Tuk did?

Not wasting time I head over to the tent and walk in.

Inside the tent, the first thing you noticed is the big table with a map of Pandora. Jake was looking at it and moving the pieces/ making a small cough he looked up at me.

Jake: good to see you out of bed already.

y/n: yea well can't stay in bed forever. I heard you needed to talk to me.

Jake: yes been wanting to talk to you for a while. I think it is time for your side of the bargain. What information that you have that we can use to fight back against RDA?

Jake: supply, food, water, transport route anything.

Looking at the map I see some areas that have marks on them others with crosses in some places. Looking around on the map I try to remember some spots. That they were using on the map they gave me.

Pointing down close to the beachside.

Y/n: there is a train line that goes down this way that carries supplies to some of their outer bases.

Jake: Do you know what defenses they have?

Y/n: can't say I know what they have.

Jake: Hmmm, guess we'll just have to use a pass attack on the train line.

Y/n: sorry that I don't have any more information on the train line

Jake: It's alright at least it's something. We have been running out of places that we know to attack.

He goes over and starts to circle and grabs a board and writes his plans of attack on it

Heading to the door I look back one more time to see him focused on planning the attack on the train.

Heading out I spent some time walking around checking the place for the "plan". There were a few spots that I could use.

Looking around I saw that spider was watching me. With a very intense stare. Shaking it off I kept walking to look for a spot to use.

After a while, I noticed I have not seen some people in a while. Heading back to my tent or hut whatever you would call it.

Heading inside I noticed that Tuk was gone nowhere in sight. Thinking nothing of it I head into what you would call a bathroom. I clean myself off.

Think about what I have done. Fingering tuk and Kiri. One with her mom in front of her. Even grabbed Neytiri's thighs. Of course, I did fuck tuk. The first part of what I would consider is part of my plan to take down Jake's family.

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