Sea front and the milf front

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Opening his eyes he stretched his body squirming from how good it was.

The only thing he disliked was his new living area since he had no bed anymore and his back hurt from the hard ground.

hearing knocking at his door he could hear two voices. He gets up and walks over to the door and opens it.

Two people were standing there Kiri and Tsireya. They were both standing there waiting for him. Kiri seems agitated about another girl wanting to talk to him

Y/n Oh hey there you two... what are you both doing here

Tsireya: don't you remember we will be beginning you and the other training in our ways

Y/n: oh yeah I must have forgotten that. You said you would wake me up for it in the morning. What about you Kiri?

Kiri: I said I would wake you up but Tsireya was here already.

Y/n: oh well there's always another time. Lead the way Tsireya.

They walked down a path leading to some familiar faces that were waiting for them and one of them ran over to him.

Tuk: Y/n! Y/n! Aren't you excited about this? It's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait.

The two Navi boys were looking at them.

aonung: Rotxo do you see that he even has the littlest of them wanting him, what a weird family.

neteyam who was listening disliked them talking about his sister like that. but he knew not to push it....loak on the other hand had something to say

Lo'ak: is that a problem that both of my sisters like him huh don't be pissed about him being able to get girls to like him.

Tsireya: Hey calm down you two especially you, aonung they are guests and Father wants us to help them learn ways you can't be disrespectful to them.

aonung: I know, I know 

Tsireya: good now come on everyone let's begin with simply going underwater.

Tsireya, Aonung, and Rotxo simply just walked off into the water. y/n was the first to walk over look into the water and shrug he looked back at the other and flipped off into the water. (showing his dominance)

Neteyam and Lo'ak looked at each other.

Neteyam: come on can't have y/n be ahead of us.

They ran and jumped off into the water.

Loak: woo hoo

Behind them were Kiri and Tuk jumping in after them.

Y/n looked around seeing the small fish, squids, and many more swimming around.

Looks like his training for the RDA is coming in handy. He has been trained to hold his breath underwater....they had to last 10 minutes minimum.

Since he was in a new body it has not been used like that so it may not last that long.

The water looked so beautiful, especially from this angle it looked so different from there.

He noticed Kiri was swimming away from the group and she looked like she was being pulled somewhere else

He looked at the others as they were swimming away from them. looking back at Kiri he followed close to her.

She was into everything that was swimming around her. There was one that looked like a stingray swimming around the two.

Kiri pointed at it like a little kid wanting to show off to their parents. Y/n simply nodded at her as he thought it was cool as well.

But then he realized that all of Kiri's things blocking her chest were staying down.

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