Thinking and next training arc

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(Couple months before the Christmas chapter aka back the past present.)

Opening his eyes, he looks around, preparing for the day. He should get some clothes like the sea Navi to match their clothes theme.

Getting up he walks over to the door and opens it walking out. He looks to his left and heads that way heading to where the Sully family were at. As he got closer he could make out that the hut that they were using was now more different than when he first saw it.

It looked more like how it used to be with the jungle aesthetic. He could make out some voice as he got closer he decided to listen to what was being said.

???: Come on Kiri, I see how you look at him. When will you ask him out?

Kiri: I don't know what you're talking about.

???: So you two flirting is nothing hmm?

Kiri: Come on Neteyam, stop pushing me about this.

Neteyam: fine, though from the looks of it you might have competition soon for him

It goes quiet after he said that from those two but there are still some other people taking in the back from those.

After spying a bit he gave a knock as he walked in. There were a couple of people in there besides one person Jake was gone.

Kiri: Y/n! What are you doing here?

Now that he was inside the place has had quite a different look to it than at first.

Y/n: I came over because I wanted to talk to Jake and some other stuff.

Especially when Ronal came in last night she said that she would be teaching Neytiri how to tame an Ilu. so he thought why not watch them as they went to do that he had something to think about.

He could ask Ronal where her husband is while he is there.

Neytiri walked over to the three and she had more of a shy look as she was looking away from his eyes.

Neytiri: Jake left earlier to go meet with Tonowari

Y/n: do you know where they went?

Neytiri: no I don't

Y/n: damn well there is nothing we can do about it now then.

Neytiri: Do you want me to tell him what you want to talk to him about?

Y/n: no it's fine. I'll ask him when I see him.

Kiri: y/n we are about ready to head out and meet with Tsireya and her brother.

Y/n: I'm not going today, Kiri. I have some other stuff to take care of.

Kiri: oh.

(Kiri right now)

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(Kiri right now)

Y/n: hey come on Kiri we see each other every day

Kiri: I know but still.

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