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I sigh getting up, I had to get ready for school.

I put on a pair of baggy light washed jeans, I pair it with a sage green long sleeve, skin tight shirt. It was a bit cropped, not too much though.

I didn't bother too much with looking nice for school, id wear the bare minimum, I didn't have much people to impress anyways.

I didn't really have friends, everyone called me a freak. Just because I wasn't as fortunate as everyone else was, I only had my older sister Chloe.

She was two years older then me, I didn't really mind not having friends all that much. I was a closed off person for the most part, all I really did all day was sit in bed and watch Tokio Hotel interviews or listen to their music.

I hated the fact that i'd probably never be able to meet any of them, they had been living in LA now anyways. Barely ever came to visit Germany.

Whenever I had a bad day at school with the bullying i'd just sit down and watch Tom Kaulitz edits, that always calmed me down.

I hated the fact that I never got my chance with him, if I had just been born in 1989. I would've been able to meet him, I live in his hometown. Meaning we probably would've went to school together.

Sometimes I just wish I could go back in time, but that wouldn't be possible.

"Lana! Have you got the rent money ready?" My mom yells from the staircase, I open my door running down the creaky stairs. My house was old, real old.

"Wasn't it not due for another two weeks? I thought I had time ma." I say, my mother shakes her head. "It's due tomorrow." I sigh. "I'll try and get an extra shift at the diner tonight, is that okay?" I smile.

"I'm sorry Lana, I should be able to pay rent. Making you and Chloe work just to get us by isn't acceptable." She says with a guilty look on her face.

My mother had a job, as a waitress. It barely paid anything but she was old, no jobs would hire her.

My father left three years ago, leaving us nothing behind. My life had been crap, switching schools every year because we had to move because we had gotten evicted. It sucked.

The only thing that was keeping me from going over the edge right now was my family and Tom Kaulitz. It may seem silly, but without Tokio Hotel I would've lost it months ago.

They had saved my life, just by existing. I would always thank them for that, if I ever got to meet them.

"It's okay ma, I know it's not your fault." I smile hugging her, the only places we shopped from was thrift stores, I had even stolen from grocery stores just to get by on food. I didn't have to do that anymore.

My mother finally was eligible for food stamps, I was super relieved once we got approved, I was able to work a lot less.

My mother only took half of Chloe's and I's paychecks from the diner job, the other half being completely for us. Our mom tried her best to keep us happy.

That's what mattered.

From all the money I had saved up I was able to buy a car last month, it was old and from at least ten years ago but it did the job.

I was able to connect my aux to it so that's all that really mattered to me.

Chloe didn't go to school, she just works 24/7. I've been working at the diner ever since I was fourteen, usually they wouldn't hire till age sixteen but they understood my position and let me work there.

It was just Chloe my mom and I, it had always been just the three of us. Even when my dad was here he was never really present, like yes he was in our lives but he wasn't fully here. Y'know?

"Okay, I gotta go before i'm late." I say rubbing my moms back. She smiles, I put on my converse that i've had since probably 7th grade, it didn't matter though.

They were my babies, i'm never letting them go.

I pick my backpack off the small bench in-front of the door, I rub my hands feeling the cold air hit them. I start to quickly pace to my car, I open the door immediately hopping in and turning on the heat.

I start to drive to school, I pull my phone out putting it on the stand connecting the aux to it.

I start to blast Here Comes The Night, by Tokio Hotel. As I drive, it wasn't long before I made it into the school parking lot.

I pull into the student parking, I reverse into my designated spot, checking my surroundings.

I get out the car sighing, here I was again. The place I hated most.

I start to walk inside, I didn't spare anyone inside the building a glance. I wanted to be in and out, then I could pick up a shift at the diner.

I walk down the halls to my english class, please no one approach me, please no one approach me please.

"What's up freak." Leo laughs ruffling up my hair. I pat my hair down, glaring at him. "I don't have time for your bullshit today, leave me be." I fasten my pace trying to get away from him.

I look back, seeing him quickly catching up. I snicker and walk into the girls bathroom, he can't follow me in here. I'll just stay in here till I feel like getting out.

I didn't really care about school all that much. I had bigger issues going on.

I go inside the stall pulling my phone out, I sit on the toilet watching Tom Kaulitz TikToks.

God, he's so fine.

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