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"I HAVE A WHAT?!" Tom screams. "Chill shes a model you're good." I rub his back laughing. "Oh okay we chillin then!" Tom leans back in his seat.

I suddenly remember the actual reason I was here. Like I said, i'm very forgetful.

I pull on his wristband taking it off as I analyze it. "Hey give it back." Tom whines. "This was the last thing I touched before I got sent back into the past." I tell Tom.

"That's crazy I literally bought it today at-" I cut him off. "Harlows thrift shop." I finish off his sentence.


"Yeah, oh indeed." I say putting my phone flash on the wristband, I don't know what it was about it though..

"WAIT!" I yell, everyone looks at me jolting up. "Okay so, what if it sent me back to this year in specific because it was when Tom actually bought the wristband." I explain. "I'm confused." Bill says.

"Okay, but how does that help us in this situation?" Tom asks, I sigh shrugging. "I don't know, I don't know why I was sent to you guys either." I reply.

"If y'all don't believe me when I say it's because you're soulmates then I don't know what to tell you" Bill shakes his head. Tom thwacks Bill's forehead.

"Ow!" Bill pouts rubbing his forehead. "Don't abuse Bill" I thwack Tom's forehead. "Hey!" Tom yells. "Haha, idiot." Bill laughs, Tom glares at him causing Bill to look away rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't know what to do in this century, I don't have a family or anything. My house is completely empty and the place I worked at isn't even a diner anymore." I sigh. "Mama Simone won't mind another passenger." Tom laughs. "Oh no, that's okay." I pat his shoulder.

"No seriously, just like until we figure it out. Just because I have a wife in 2023 does not mean I have a wife right now!" Tom waves his finger in my face.

"Woah, buddy you just met her, talking about marriage already?" Gustav laughs.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Tom threats Gustav. "Say hypothetically, Tom and Lana were to fall in 'love.' what happens in the future." Bill asks. "Can you guys stop." Tom says, I point to him agreeing with his words.

"I'm just trying to get home, hanging out with you guys is cool but, what about my sister and my mom?" I shake my head. "Why don't we just figure out a way to get them here?" Tom asks.

"If we don't know a way for me to get back, I doubt we'll figure out a way to get them here." I respond. "True." Georg agrees with me.

"Okay, just tell us everything that happened that day." Bill says. "Okay well, I picked up the wristband and I said Tom Kaulitz-"

I felt that same wave rush through me, I open my eyes once again. I was in a random house? I start to explore further, it was really nice to say the least but I don't even know where I am.

I open a bathroom door looking inside of it, I suddenly see a Tom, fixing his bandana. "AH!" I scream. Tom jumps back, staring at me in shock.

"WHY ARE YOU IN EVERY DIMENSION I GO TO!" I scream. "Who the fuck are you?" Tom asks, based on his braids, it must've been 2010. Holy fuck he looks good.

"Do I have to explain this to every Tom." I shake my head sighing. "I'm gonna call the cops." Tom pulls his phone out. "No!" I scream putting his phone down.

"Just take whatever you want and get out." Tom points to the door. "I'm not a thug! I'm just a teenage girl trying to figure out why i'm meeting you in every year I travel to." I sigh. "Do I need to call a hospital or?"

"I'm not mental! I swear look!" I pull out my phone showing him pictures of me with him in the band in 2023. "Is that me?!" Tom zooms into the photo.

"Yes it's you, in 2023. And this is me at your concert in 2007." I scroll to a video where I had been jumping up and down filming the concert.

It switches turning to me smiling, Tom looks at my phone glancing at it then up at me. "So will you listen to me now?" I ask putting my phone in my pocket.

I see Tom gulp in fear before bringing me to the living room of his house. I sit down on the couch crossing one leg over the other, I can't believe Tom was afraid of me in this time period. It was quite funny.

"Okay, so basically. I'm from the year 2023, i'm a huge fan of Tokio Hotel in that year, recently some weird things have been happening. I keep on traveling to random dimensions with you in it, every time i'm in a dimension you pop up." I explain.

"Am I just supposed to believe this or?" Tom asks. "I know it seems crazy but you've already seen all the photos, I don't know much about this but.. all that I know is that it has something to do with you." I say.

I noticed I still had the wristband in my grip. "Here look! It's your wristband from 2007!" I hand it to him.

"That can't be, I have all my old wristbands upstairs." Tom shakes his head. "Okay show me them then." I tell him, he sighs getting up, I follow him up the stairs.

Tom opens a drawer that had a box filled with old wristbands, he looks through the box. "Oh." Tom says, he grabs the wristband from me analyzing it.

"Shit, it is mine." Tom says. "I told you!" I giggle, taking it back. "I'll give it back to old you when I get the chance, don't worry." I smile.

"So what happens now?" Tom asks.

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