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I get up from my bed still in confusion, it was probably a dream whatever.

Lowkey, I wanna go to the thrift store today. It was a Saturday and I didn't have work, it's kinda sad how i'd just go alone but. It's fine I guess.

I get up, brushing my long blonde hair. I put it in a high messy bun, loosening it a bit till I was satisfied. I nod in agreement as to how I looked.

I pulled out some black leggings slipping them onto my body. I take a light pink tank top, putting it on. Careful to not mess up my bun, I go to my dresser.

I pull out some matching socks, i'll just wear my light pink crocs today. It'll match perfectly.

I open my vanity drawer pulling out some beaded bracelets, I had decided on the white and pink beaded ones. This'll do for the thrift store, I wasn't going anywhere fancy or anything.

I take out my phone replying to the instagram notifications I had gotten, replying to Bill's comment and such. I had noticed Gustav and Georg also liked my story, I can just imagine Bill forcing them to.

I put my phone in my purse, I grab my clear glasses putting them on my face. I run down the stairs walking up to the door.

"Ma, im going to the thrift store do you need anything?" I call out. "I'm good, have fun!" My mother calls out, as i'm about to leave, Chloe stops me.

"Can you pick me up a pregnancy test?" Chloe whispers in my ear, my eyes widen. "You think you're pregnant?!" I whisper yell. "I don't know! That's why I need the test!" She whisper yells back.

"Okay i'll get one for you, bye Chlo" I smile waving her goodbye, I step out the door rubbing my hands.

Germany is always so cold.

I get into my car, I connect my phone to the aux playing Automatic by Tokio hotel.

I nod my head to the beat, tapping my two fingers against the steering wheel as I drive. I'm actually a bit hungry right now, maybe i'll stop at Mcdonald's first.

I make a U-Turn pulling into the Mcdonald's drive thru, watching Tom edits as I wait for my turn in line. "What can I get you today." I hear the worker say over their microphone. "10 piece and large fries please." I politely say leaning my head out the window slightly.

"Any sauces with that." She asks. "Sweet and sour and ranch please." I say. "Okay your total is $9.24 at the next window." I start to drive off waiting for my food.

I pull my phone out pulling up apple pay, the worker scans my phone before giving me my food. "Thank you!" I smile grabbing the bag.

I pull into the parking lot eating my food, I start to play Tom and Bill's podcast, listening in as I eat.

Ah shit, I forgot to get a drink. I pause my podcast, opening the car door going into to the Mcdonald's.

I order my drink, sitting down in a booth as I waited. "Dr Pepper!" I hear the employee yell sliding it down the counter where you pick up your order.

I grab my soda walking back to my car, I continue listening to the podcast as I eat my food.


I walk into the thrift store, looking through some clothing. I pick out a couple Harley Davidson shirts placing them in my cart, I bump into a stranger as i'm walking. "Oh my god i'm so sorry!" I apologize.

The person scoffs and walks away. "Bitch." I scoff under my breath as I continue walking around. I suddenly saw a nike wristband.

"Tom Kaulitz" I say nodding to myself smirking, it reminded me of his dreadhead era.

As soon as I said his name I felt this like wave rush through me, it felt like something had taken over me. I start to blink really fast, once I had opened my eyes again everything seemed so dull?

I look through my cart, nothing I had placed was there anymore.  What the fuck?

I browse around the store, I see a bunch of CD's of Tokio Hotels music next to the record players, that's weird. I haven't seen a record player in like ten years.

I shrug it off and continue walking around, I soon start to notice that none of these customers are the same? It seemed as if their style had drastically changed.

I look at the cashiers, the cash register being old and antique looking. They didn't look like that before?

I continue walking around in confusion, maybe I just need some sleep, this was confusing me.

I walk outside seeing a huge poster of Tokio Hotel, talking about their concert tonight? But, they were teenagers in the photo.

I pull out my phone as I look around confused, as i'm about to call Chloe a person walks past me in shock.
"What's that?!" She say examining my phone.

I raise my eyebrow at them. "A phone?" I say confused. "No this is a phone." They pull their flip phone out of their pocket. "This is a phone as well though?" I tilt my head at her.

"Apple came out with it last year." I follow up. "Apple? Don't they only have laptops?" She questions.

"What year is it?" I ask.

"It's 2006." The lady says, my eyes widen suddenly.

This has to be a joke right?

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