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"It's 2006."

"Okay, thank you." I smile walking off, she has to be messing with me, i'm getting my ass home to sleep this off. I walk to the parking lot to my car, but it wasn't there? What the fuck! Someone stole my car.

How am I supposed to get home now? Ah a taxi. I stick my thumb up and the side of the road just waiting for someone to drive, eventually someone stops for me.

I get in telling him my address and where to go, he nods speeding off.


"Okay we're here that's gonna be ten dollars." The taxi driver says, I place a ten in his palm getting out the car. I walk up to my house jamming the key through the hole. I don't know why, something just seemed so off?

I walk inside, what the actual fuck.

Nothing was the same, there was no furniture at all. Nothing. Just an abandoned house. "MOM? CHLOE?" I yell out, no response.

I run up towards all the bedrooms opening the doors, it was completely empty. Okay, i'm getting a bit worried now. I sit on the floor of my empty bedroom.

What the fuck do I do?

I open my phone, everything had stayed the same. What if it really was 2006 though?

I go to google on my phone, putting in todays date and searching up Tokio Hotel, they really did have a concert today.

Maybe I should go to it.. I don't know if i'm going mentally insane or not but if there is one thing about me, is if there is a Tokio Hotel concert happening not even fifteen minutes away from my house i'm not gonna miss it.

Wait, how the hell am I supposed to get my clothes?

I was still confused, was I in a different dimension? What was this, and why was I stuck in 2006. Was it because of Tom? No it couldn't be.

Okay, maybe i'd just go back to the thrift store and retrace my steps. Maybe I could browse at some of the y2k shit as well, I never thought I could pull off that style but maybe now was my chance!

Okay how much are tickets though.. Let me check the website. I go to google on my phone looking up the tickets website. 60 bucks, not bad.

Was it really a good idea to spend $60 on this? What am I thinking, of course it is. It's Tom for gods sake.

I had bought front row tickets, I was so excited.

If I was stuck in 2006, why not make the best of it? But.. do Chloe and my mom exist in 2023? Are they there waiting for me? Did they think I ran away?

I have so many questions left unanswered, maybe Tom would be able to answer them for me. I don't know how much he knew but, maybe he knew more than me

Okay time to go back to the thrift store. Shit, I forgot I don't have a car, why is going back in time so expensive

Maybe there's an old bike in the shed behind the house, let me go check. I stand up, and bolt down the stairs walking to the back door.

I check the shed, thank god there was a bike, I do not wanna have to keep on paying $10 to get everywhere. I wrap my purse around my body, placing my phone in it

I start to pedal off to the thrift store, I hope this could help answer some of my questions.


I lock my bike going into the thrift store, I examine my surroundings. Wait, what about security cameras? Would they check them for me?

It's worth a shot to ask at least.

I walk up to the cashier. "Hey, something odd happened to me earlier around 2pm, I was just wondering if I could see the security footage from around that time?" I ask the employee.

"Um.. Sure.." She says hesitantly, she walks away signaling for me to follow her using her hands. I skip behind her as she walks towards the back.

We get into a room filled with computers, security footage displayed on little mini tv screens on the wall.

The girl sits in the spinning chair searching through the security footage. "2pm you said?" She asks turning her head back at me, I slowly nod as she pulls it up.

She starts to reverse through the video. "Wait stop!" I say once I saw myself looking at that wristband.

She pauses the video looking back at me. "Okay now play it in slow-mo." I say. She clicks the slow-mo button and it starts to play back at a slow pace.

I saw myself pick up the wristband, mouthing Tom Kaulitz to myself smiling and nodding. Then all of a sudden everything got blurry.

"What happened?!" I question her. "That's weird.. I don't know?" She tilts her head at the screen.

Then it suddenly clicked, what if it was the wristband? "Do you guys still have that wristband?" I ask the girl. "Nah, some guy bought it like an hour ago." She replies. "Can you show me who on the camera?" I ask.

"Well, we're already here so why not." She shrugs fast forwarding to 15 minutes after I left, I saw Tom walk into the shop just browsing around.

I suddenly saw him stop at the wristband, picking it up slowly nodding at it in agreement.

I have to find Tom and that wristband.

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