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"So what happens now?" Tom asks me. "I don't know.. Wait what year is it?" I ask. "It's July of 2009." Tom says. I tilt my head. "To be honest, I thought it was 2010." I reply. "Aren't you supposed to be a die hard fan? Can't even tell my eras?" Tom laughs.

Wait he's 19.. okay good to know.

"Okay yeah, yeah whatever." I laugh nudging his shoulder. "So, how old are you?" Tom asks me. "Almost 18." I reply. "So if I wanted to kiss you, could I?"

"Mm, if you wanted to." I shrug, I was actually about to bust out screaming crying.

Tom smirks shaking his head. "So I can?" Tom points at me. "Sure." I smile, Tom takes the hair out of my face, I saw Tom lean in smiling, planting a slow kiss on my lips it was real slowww.

I felt his lip piercing against my mouth as we were kissing, it wasn't passionate or anything it was just us making out. Holy fuck i'm making out with Tom Kaulitz, I just realized that.

Tom pulls away smiling, I tilt my head at him. "This might be my favorite generation..." I laugh. "We should take a picture for younger Tom, when you see him again." Tom says. "Sure! Why not." I pull out my phone, I had remembered to change my lock screen.

Thank god.

"Okay how do you want this photo to be?" I ask. "Let's mess with his mind a little, tell him we're dating now or something." Tom chuckles.

"Okay let's film a video then." I shrug, Tom takes my phone, starting to record. He holds it up, throwing his hand over my shoulder.

"Hey Tom, I just wanted to let you know that I stole your bitch." He sticks his tongue out at the camera, giving me a quick kiss.

So are we just kissing like it's a normal thing now or?!

Tom cackles ending the recording. "So, how's younger me acting with you anyways." Tom hands me my phone back. "He keeps asking me if I was tryna fuck or if we've had sex, in different times i've traveled." I say.

"Ah, sounds like me." Tom nods.

I laugh nodding back. "So, you gonna go back to little me?" Tom asks. "I don't know.. I kinda like it here! Don't you think?" I giggle.

"Nah, that boy needs a girlfriend, i'll be here, if you decide to come back." Tom smiles. "How do I even go back though, cause i'm not sure." I shake my head.

"I have no idea, you should probably figure that out soon though." Tom says, I sigh.

I pull my hand out for him to shake. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you in this era Tom Kaulitz-"

Oh great it's that funny feeling, once again.

I start blinking really fast, waiting to see what generation I was in. I was sitting on the couch in the Kaulitz house? I'm assuming.

"AH!" All four of them yell at the same time. "Man! Didn't even get a goodbye kiss." I sigh.

"Take me back to 2009 please!" I interlock my hands begging. "Who are you talking to Lana." Bill says. "I don't fucking know, the time traveling gods?" I reply.

"Is that even a thing?" Tom asks. "Honestly dude, no idea." I plop on my back, my head falling on Tom's lap. "Why can't you be more like yourself in 2009." I sigh.

"What, you don't like the way I am now?" Tom laughs, I get up taking my shoes off before sitting criss cross, I don't know when but I guess somewhere along the way of time traveling I got some sweatpants.

"Come here look." I wave my hand for Tom to come closer, I go to my camera roll pulling the video up.

I hear the "Hey Tom, I just wanted you to know that I stole your bitch." And then the sound of our quick kiss comes before the video pauses. "You kissed older me?"

"WHAT?!" Bill yells snatching the phone, he watches the video throwing it to Gustav and Georg. "I told you guys! Soulmates!" Bill puts his hands on a heart.

"Babe, you don't need 2009 for that." Tom pats on his lips.

"No, i'm still not over other Tom, he thought I was crazy and tried to call the mental hospital on me. It was so cute." I shake my head sighing.

"Also, can we talk about the stages my hair is gonna go through?!" Tom says. "You also got black dreads in 2012 was it?" I nod curving my lips. "How did it look?" Tom asks, I simply shake my head no.

I love Tom, but the black dreads are forever a no.

"Okay, fine then. I see how it is." Tom shrugs offended. "You wanna know something funny that you said to me when I met you in 2023?" I ask.

"Go ahead tell me." Tom nods my way.

"You called me kiddo." I glare at Tom. "Maybe cause i'm assuming, I didn't want to catch a case." Tom puts his hands up. "I'm almost eighteen, it's fine." I wave my hands at his face.

"Go back to other Tom at this point, i'm sure he misses you." Tom says. "I WOULD IF I COULD." I shout.

"Wow, so you just hate me with dreads don't you." Tom sighs shaking his head. "'No, it's my favorite era of yours." I disagree

"Well, it don't seem that way."

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