55 - mom

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"Sweet Sixteen! Today! Today!" Alyssa jumped on top of me while trying to wake me up. Jason stood by her side, smiling slightly.

"Get off. It hurts."

"Don't be grumpy on your birthday. And your sweet sixteen." Jason said, sitting down next to me. He placed a kiss on my temple.

"Happy birthday, princess."

"Thank you." I said.

Alyssa placed a juicy kiss straight on my lips, then she hugged me. "Are you a grown up now, huh?"

"Never in a million years." Jason protested. Then he went outside my door and brought out a tiny wagon with my favorite breakfast on it, as well as a bunch of wrapped gifts.

I took a sip of the fresh smoothie and took a bite of the toast with cheese, then I grabbed one of the gifts and began ripping.

"Gold earrings? Oh my god. They're so pretty."

I nodded in Jason's direction as a big thank you.

Behind the next colorful wrapper was a set of high end make up brushes, something I had been wishing for around him extra loud this month.

"You know me so well."

Alyssa grabbed one gift and almost got to open it up before Jason stopped her.

"It's Blossom's birthday. Not yours."

"But I want gifts too." She was such a kid still even though she was grown up.

"You'll get them on your birthday. Promise."

I kept opening to reveal an Apple Watch, new wireless speakers and a Canon camera.

"This is too much. Thank you a million times."

"You deserve the best, you know that." He sent me a geeky smile.

A thousand dollar gift card at Sephora and one at MAC were enough for me to almost throw up with excitement. I had the absolute best daddy in the whole entire word.

"My heart is gonna explode if I keep opening these gifts." I sighed, almost not getting air to my lungs quick enough.

"A trip to.... what...."

"Europe! Three places. Selected by you."

I was now crying. A girl who had never been to more than 2 states before had all her dreams come true in that very moment. "It's too much. Thank you again, Dad."

"Welcome, princess. We're gonna leave you alone now and make a few calls to make sure that everything is going okay over there with the preparations."


I made sure that Alyssa was dressed in her white princess dress and a blinged out tiara. She had also requested some make up which I allowed to an extend. Some blush and some mascara. She looked so cute and I was proven that she felt like a princess.

"Are you ready, Blossom?" I asked through the door.


"I can come back here in a while so that you can get ready in peace, would that be okay?"

"Yes, please."

I nodded from the other side of the door. "Bye!"


Alyssa and I went out to the car and got ready to leave our home.

"Are you ready to party tonight?" I asked her, snapping my fingers to the music on the radio. Alyssa rolled her eyes at me being a dad.

"Don't say that again."

I laughed and put some music on. Then we finally arrived at the booked venue. I had a feeling that something was up.

I took Alyssa's arm and went inside.

"Jason!" Someone yelled when we entered the now finished product of a party.

"Alex?" My mouth hung open by the moment I saw my brother coming in my direction.

I was a bit mad over the situation, that no one had told me anything.

"Alyssa! My favorite niece." Alyssa realized who it was and right away clung onto him.

Another person joined him and I almost fell off my feet when I saw who it was.

"Now, what the fuck are you doing here?" I didn't even wait for an answer before pulling her aside.

"It's my little sister's sweet sixteen. I haven't met my husband or my daughter in way too long."

"But without any warnings?"

"I'm sorry for that. Okay? I am."

Madison looked at me with teary eyes and Alex knew to step away, with our daughter.

"I wish things didn't happen the way they did. If this is my only chance to explain I'll do it. I don't want you to hate me to death because of untrue things." She reached out to take a grip of my hands.

"Before you explain. Maddie. I could never hate you, not for real. I have gotten really mad with you but I have never felt the gut deep hatred. Because I love you too much for it to ever turn to hate, know that."

Madison lit up, you could almost physically see how relieved she was.

"I can go more in depth of the details some other time but I was.. drugged. Like, so out of my mind and my own body in a way. I was being abused, harmed. A bit starved. I was locked up in his home. And I wish that I could've just told you about the threats before anything actually happened. I know that you would've handled it better."

"Do you wanna put all of that behind us?" I decided to give her this offer because I had fallen for her all over again, just hearing her talk.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Yes please, husband."

"Sure thing, wife."

We kissed for the first time in years and I'm pretty sure we both shed a tear.

Now Alex brought Alyssa over and she was overwhelmed by meeting her mother, so many years later.

"I'll go get Blossom back at the crib." Alex told me, offering to let me stay here and have this moment with my family.

"Thanks." I said and gave him the keys to my car.

Alyssa was sitting on secrets, I could tell that much from her facial expressions. She kept opening and closing her mouth.

"Mom. Dad. There's something I wanna tell you and now I have the chance to tell you both at the same time."

"Okay." I felt a bit uneasy with the type of bombs she could possibly drop.

"Go on, sweetie." Madison cheered, looking at her 12 year old daughter.

"I... like girls."

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