Chapter 24 - Too Far

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Jason McCann.

"You've got some explaining to do." I sat Madison down on the couch. "What's up with Smith? What happened today?"

"Nothing." She scoffed, brushing my question off.

I'm not playing around, Maddie. Please, don't be complicated about this." As if on que, Smith walked into the living room and I took the chance to study Maddie's face.

It kind of went from being a bit surprised or scared, then she sent him the most evil look. "Can you excuse us?" I looked at him and he smirked down at Maddie for a second before looking back at me again.

"Of course."

"Now tell me." I was getting frustrated with her, really frustrated.

"I don't want to tell you anything, what's so fucking hard to get?" Maddie's sudden outburst had me taken back.

"Alright. If that's the way you wanna do this then.. Fine. I'll just stop caring about you from this moment. You just get so mad everytime I try. I'm done, Madison."

"If you don't care about me and if you wanna act like a five year old boy, sure. But I guess we just have to share every single fibre of each other to actually like one another? You're so pathetic. Get out of my face."

I heard the tears coming onto her voice and I knew that that she was about to cry. I tried to stop her from leaving but failed, she knocked herself out of my grip. "Good job." Alex came inside the living room, clapping his hands loudly. "Can't you just be nice to her? What's the deal?"

"Wait... How'd you know?"

My brother grinned at me. "Just walked past your girlfriend and she was destroyed. You should go make it right. Maddie doesn't deserve being sad, ever. You know that."

"I know, I know." I never thought my brother would be the one to tell me these things. Considering the past, he wasn't one to be very nice with girls before. "Go."

Just like Alex told me to, I went to make it right and I could hear her crying through the door. I didn't think that I would actually be affected by the crying this time, but I was. My heart was aching and I felt so much guilt that I could barely open the door up.

"Baby girl..." I sighed and sunk into the bed next to my girlfriend. "I didn't mean to make you upset or sad. I never want to see you like this, angel."

"We- We had this conversation like literally two days ago and you keep bringing it up. You can't throw the word care around just the way you'd like it. The 'I don't care's' or 'nobody cares'. They hurt so much, Jason. Stop it."

"I never realized that. I'll think of that in the future, promise. I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings, baby. I love you so much."

"I love you, too." She sniffled and brought her hands up to my face, slowly pulling me down towards her. I stopped in my tracks, just looking at her. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

"Oh, shush." She blushed and covered it all up by hovering my body with her's, making me moan as we kissed. "Oh, God."

I knew that she was getting excited when her breathing increased and I felt her grind against me. My hands moved all over her body. I was enjoying it so much. I felt so close to her again.

Suddenly, we heard a small gasp and then the door was shut closed. We looked at each other, silently discussing who the person walking in on us could be.

"Five dollars it's Blossom."

"I'd say it's Smith." I chuckled and brought Madison out of the bed with me.

Hand in hand, we walked out of the room and went inside Blossom's room. She sat on her floor, being extremely into her barbies. "Hi." I smiled and stepped forward. "What are you doing?" Madison followed. It took Blossom time to process the fact that we were in here but eventually, she looked up at us.

"Hi Maddie. Hi Jason." I looked at her, saw the cast on her leg and looked at Maddie who realized the same thing. She couldn't get back in here that fast with a cast on her leg.

"Smith's room next?" I asked Maddie and she seemed to doubt it. "Or?" She looked into my eyes and quickly looked away.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Aren't these the love birds?" Smith chuckled as soon as we came inside. The sound of his voice made Madison grab my hand. By the time I started a conversation with him, Madison was pulling on my fingers. She got so nervous.

"Baby, would you mind leaving the room for a second?" I spoke sweetly. She looked relieved, I'm glad she was. My girlfriend out of the room was all I needed to let my anger come through. "You have a choice now, Smith. Either you tell me what's going on or your ass is out. Out the house and the gang. No joke."

"Aren't you taking this a bit too far?"

"Aren't you? My girls are scared. That's way too far to me."

"The Lowe's are pussies. You know that. You're a McCann. Own up to the name. Don't sink to their fucking level, Jason." He spat.

"Your girlfriend is a whore and her sister is a pig, an annoying little pig. You're too blind to see all the things we see because you're so in love. The only love you actually feel is for your daughter, the other two are just those extra candies in the bag that you don't really want."

I was taken back. "We? Are there more people than you who think like this?"

"More people? The whole entire gang hates their guts. You're losing respect everyday for being like this."

My heart started beating faster and it was like Smith just got to my brain completely. "So- So what do I do?"

"You throw them out. Madison and Blossom. You can tell your girl that it was nice last night." He chuckled. "Man, that bitch is fine as hell in bed, though. I can see why you're a bit blind."

My blood was boiling. I felt so done.

This is why she was nervous.

She fucks around.

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