chapter 34 - parents

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Madison Lowe.

"Holy fuck!"

My first reaction was to jump. I dropped the egg inside the pasta stew, with the shell on and everything. "What the hell you yelling for?" I glared at my little sister when she skipped inside the kitchen, dramatically making movements with her arms. She stopped, looked at me and the second I saw those dimples in the corners of her mouth starting to show, I had an idea.

My eyes grew wide. "Did you meet a boy in school?" Blossom went up to me and threw her arms around my neck. "His name is Samson. He's such an angel, Maddie! I can't stop smiling!"

"Someone's in love." I sang and she blushed. "No. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow, though."

Jason stepped out the shower with only a towel around his waist. At least he taught himself to do so and not walk out butt naked, like he used to do. "Hi Blossom." He smiled. "So how was school? Tell me all about it."

"Well remember Sandra? I hung out with her the whole day. I have only met two other people than her today. Cameron and Samson."

"Two boys, huh?" I gave him a glare. Just nicely warning him for the hormonal hurricane he could have brought onto himself. "I mean- What were they like?"

"Cameron is a dick. I hate him."



I looked at her. I listened to her answers. They were short. She looked angry. "What happened? You can't just say someone's a dick."

"He is such a boy. You know what I mean? The sit on my dick hoe, kind of guy?"

"He said that?" Jason looked like he was taking mental notes. This couldn't be good. "Basically."

I coughed. "Blossom. Don't you think you've told him enough?" My sister looked up at me and then she looked at Jason. "You think so?" Jason spat. This one was dedicated to me. "Yes I think so. Don't create drama right away."

"Sorry I even asked and cared." He ironically apologized to me and walked over to our bedroom, probably to get dressed. "Your apology is accepted!" I yelled after him.

"Y'all are the biggest mess." Blossom sighed. I know she didn't like it when either one of us disrespected the other. I ignored her words and looked over at the meal I was cooking. "Tell him that dinner's ready. Tell Alyssa too."


Blossom Lowe

The tension was so thick that I almost wanted to laugh. How childish were these people? "So.. How was your day Madison?" I smiled. "I don't know. How was yours?" She spat back and Jason dropped his fork on the table. "Are you serious? How immature can you get? Don't take this out on your sister." Madison froze and I could see the change in her. Her lips weren't mockingly pointing upwards anymore, she was upset that she let him down, let me down. "Aren't you just the most perfect angel-"

"How was your day?" I turned to Alyssa, leaving the adults alone to differ. "I don't want them to fight." She whispered quietly, something her parents didn't hear since they were busy raising their voices at each other.

I cleared my throat. "I think Mommy and Daddy would need to hear what you just told me." The whole room went quiet. Everyone's eyes were on Alyssa. "C'mon. What did you tell me?"

She, just like her father, dropped the fork she was holding in her hand and jumped off her chair. I could hear the sobs as she ran inside her room. "Great job, you guys." I clapped my hands for them. "Amazing parenting."

"Blossom. You're not in the place to judge. People fucking fight, okay? Parents fight." My sister snapped at me. "But how would you know?"

The hairs on my arms stood up by the words she was throwing in my face. Even though I could tell how my voice was going to shake and tremble, I had to make sure that she didn't actually mean what I thought she meant. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You don't have any parents. They left you." I looked over at Jason for help but he was in shock. He could not believe the things she was saying to me. I could see the anger building up, and I knew that she would get a load of shit for this later. That didn't take anything back. The evil, evil words were directed at me. "They left you, too."

"Are you kidding me? Are you that stupid? I had already moved out of there! You don't know and you don't remember what kind of people they were, right?" I agreed. "Well I do. Don't fucking try to tell me about parenting when everyone who tries to parent you, fails."

"That's rude." I breathed out as tears started to roll down my cheeks. I kept going before she could speak. "It's true. But rude. You're such a fucking bitch, really. I feel bad for everyone in this house." Maddie leaned forward, until she was really close to my face. "Then why the fuck are you still here?"

"Madison." Jason snapped. "Enough."

"Shut up." She spat. "Leave this to us."

I studied his face and could tell that he was about to explode any second. "I can't sit here and listen to you saying these things to your little sister. What is your actual issue?" Madison deeply rolled her eyes and left the room quickly. Jason turned to me. "I'm sorry-"

"No." I cried out. "Why didn't you speak up earlier? Why did you let her sit there and just feed me bullshit?"

"I don't know, Blossom..." I could see his eyes starting to travel across the room multiple times. He was looking at Alyssa's door. "You can go see your daughter, you know. We all have our prioroties."

"She's upset." Jason commented. "And what am I? You know what? I'm not even gonna pick this argument. You're just as dumb as your wife." I left at that point. I sat outside the house for a bit to calm myself down.

I couldn't help but to cry even more. What my sister had told me really set it's print on my brain. I barely remembered my parents. They did leave me, they never left her, it was just me.

What made my parents just abandon me like that? When I was five? Is that an okay thing to do? I don't think it is. Maybe they weren't good people after all? I was never told anything by anyone so I wasn't surprised about all the question marks popping up one after one, thinking about my family's situation.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I pulled it out. One new text message from Samson Smith. Out of all the grey clouds covering my mind and all the things I wanted to cry about, seeing him text me made me genuienly smile. I pushed all the other things aside for now and focused on him.

"How you doing sweetheart?"

As anyone would, I responded with a little "Fine." and a cute smiling emoji. It might have been blushing a bit. I, on the other hand, totally was.

"Look. I'm about to go grab some dinner at Taco Bell. Wanna come with me?"

"Yeah sure."

I didn't even ask my so called guardians if I could go, I didn't even tell them that I left. They didn't care anyways, right?


a/n: what do you guys think about the fighting? and was it smart to come with the boy she barely knows? are you getting to know the characters better?


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