61: But my wife...

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first off all. i hit 170k reads on this one i'm crying i love yall so much my loves (i hate this chapter but it's super important for the plot. which there's not much left of. bare with me)



My alarm went off and probably inflicted serious ear loss. When the hell did it get so loud?

Before I even had the chance to wake up and open my eyes, Maddie rolled on top of me and switched my alarm clock off. But did she roll back to her side after that? No, she started touching up on me.

Please, let me have breakfast first.

"I'm thinking that you might be tired when you come home tonight." She whispered.

"No. I can't do this right now." I was surprised that I could even form a sentence. That's how tired I was.

"You're already sick of me, huh?" She rolled off me and got up.


She got dressed by the warderobe and I felt like testing the scale, how angry was Maddie at me?

"Baby girl, my sweet honey, my cherry cake, my one and only, could you please get me my black jeans and a hoodie?"

She looked back at me, trying not to goofily smile. She came over with my requested clothes plus socks. "Why can't I stay mad at you?"

I laughed and got up, got dressed and followed her out to the kitchen. That's when I saw that she had been crying. When did she do that? "Maddie. Come here."

She walked into my open arms. "Baby girl why have you been crying?"

It was almost as if she froze when I caught her.

"I'm just... God, it's silly." She tried to laugh at it but failed miserably. "I'm just worried about my dad a bit. I have read a lot about it online recently. There have been shootings at his... business houses.. and many more are plotting against him. At least that's what it seems like. He may not be the best man but he's my father and I'd like to have my father in one piece."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"There is nothing we can do."

"We can stop worrying. Things will work out just fine. And if something happens, it was meant to happen."

"But I want him to be alive the day Blossom needs him. That's the main one."

I was offended even though I shouldn't have been. "What do you mean?"

"To walk her down the aisle is one of the things that require a father."

"And I'm not her dad, is that what you're saying?"

She was quiet for a while. "Well you don't have matching DNA."

"Is that what being a dad is? Having matching DNA? I'm pretty sure it was me who arranged her Sweet 16, and that I have taken her to school all of her life and that I have scared off boys."

"It doesn't change anything. She's not your child and will never be."

"Get the fuck out of my face before you get hurt. Go back to bed you unemployed, lazy bitch." My voice was tired and raspy but that didn't stop me from calling her out when she got on my nerves.

daddy - j.mWhere stories live. Discover now