Riley's Love

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Riley's POV

I'm in 8th grade, this year has been great. Soon the dance is coming. I really want to go with this person. This person that I am in love with. I love her. I know it is wrong, but how can you not love her. She makes me feel like me and her are the only ones. I like that, I like how much she cares about me, and my feelings. I wish I had the courage to ask her, or at least tell her how I feel. I know she is not even gonna go to the dance. My mom knocks on the door.

"Hey, Lucas is here. Wants to ask you something?" She chirps. Great. I know what he is going to ask. How can I let him down when he is so nice. He walks in and sits in the bay window.

"Hey" He greeted


"Soooo, you know that the 8th grade dance is coming up, and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" Lucas asked. I am going to feel bad, I did like him, but I love her. I love Maya.

"Lucas, you're a great guy-" he interrupted

"I know, it's a no. I really am looking forward to see you there though" Lucas interrupted

"Lucas, it's not you, it's me. I just can't talk about it. It's so confusing"

"Let's talk about it, I am your friend, so I am suppose to help you" Lucas commented

"I know but you won't treat me the same. I-I, it's just too confusing"

"Riley I won't think of you any differently, you're a best friend of mine. I tell you everything. I hope you trust me enough to tell me everything" he said

"Of course I have told you everything except this. This, I don't know of it is just temporarily, or if it's real, or what it is"

"Have you talked to Maya about this?" He questioned. "No"

"I am guessing this is about her then"

"Yes, your right"

"Riley what is it, I can't keep guessing here" Lucas implied I looked down, I feel warm tears stream down my face.

"Riley, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to make you cry" Lucas stuttered. I heard someone enter my room.

"Lucas, what did you do to Riley? I swear to god I am-" I interrupted Maya

"He didn't do anything" I went and wrapped my arms around Maya. I needed comfort. Comfort from the one I love. She wiped my tears away.

"Riley, what's wrong?" Maya asked

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"You're not fine, you were just crying. What did Ranger Rick do to you?"

"Maya, he didn't do anything"

"I guess I am just gonna leave" Lucas pointed out

"Bye Lucas" Lucas left leaving Maya and me alone. I looked in to her blue eyes. They make my heart melt. They are beautiful, just like her.

"Riley, I'm gonna go, see you in the morning?" Maya said

"Bye" She went out my window. How am I going to tell her if I can't even tell someone else. I lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep.

Hey guys this is my second Rilaya story. I was happy with the amount of reads, votes, and comments the last story had. So I want to beat that story and get way more reads,votes, and comments. I tried finding a picture of Riley for the cover but nothing was sticking out for me for this book. But I hope you like the cover. Now you know why I don't do pictures for chapters. It would take me twenty years. If I get 20+ votes and 10+ comments I will update soon!!!! Thanks for reading!! Enjoy!!


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