Dress Shopping

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Riley's POV
It is Wednesday morning, I got up and got ready for school. I walk into the kitchen and my mom is on her computer at the kitchen table.

"Morning mom"

"Morning Riley"

"So mom, the dance is in two days, after school will you take me dress shopping?"

"Sure Riley" Maya walked in the door.

"Hey" She greeted

"Hi" We fixed ourselves cereal then went to the subway. Maya and I were standing at our locker when Lucas and Farkle came.

"Hey guys" Lucas greeted

"Hi guys"

"Sup" Maya waved. We all talked for awhile before we went to class. Class went on and lunch came up. Lucas and Farkle were sitting at the table.

"Who are you guys going to the dance with?"

"I have not asked anyone, but Lucas and I are gonna go as buds. Right?" Farkle replied

"Sure Farkle. Riley who are you going with?" Lucas asked

"I am going with Maya"

"I thought Maya didn't like dances" Farkle interjected

"She does hate dances, but I wanted her to come so she is going" Maya then walked into the lunch room taking her seat by my side. Lunch was soon over then we went back to class. The bell rang meaning the day was over. I was at my locker with Maya.

"Maya, my mom is picking me up. She is going to take me dress shopping"

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow" She said. Maya walked off, I finished getting my stuff out of my locker and went to the front of the school seeing my mom in the car. I race to the car and got in.

"Ok Riley where do you want to go?" Mom asked

"I'm not sure, oh I know Ann Taylor dresses" We drove there I was excited. We went in and started to pick out some dresses. I was trying on all different dresses. I just wanted it to be perfect. Every dress I tried on it seem to get worse. I was getting frustrated. My mom could tell.

"Here sweety try this red dress" She smiled. It was a very nice dress. I tried it on it was nice. It went a little past my knees. I think this is the dress. I came out of the dressing room showing my mom the dress. I twirled around.

"Beautiful, here are some red heels that will match the dress" Mom said. I tried them on, I love it. I am happy with it.

"I like it, this is want I want" I go back in the dressing room and change back into my close. We go and check out then head back home.

"Thanks mom, that was fun"

"No problem, know go hang the dress up and I am going to get dinner started" Mom advised. I went and hung the dress up. I then heard my phone go off.

Hey- Lucas
Hi Lucas. How are u?- Riley
Good, u?- Lucas
I'm good, just went dress shopping for the dance. Have u picked out what u are going to wear?- Riley
Ya sort of. I wanted to ask, are you and Maya dating?- Lucas. What! He is kidding right?
No. Why do u ask?- Riley
All I know is that u liked me. And for the past two months u seem different. Around Maya, I know that u like her. Is it true?- Lucas. I turned off my phone, I don't want him to know. He might be angry. I had dinner, took a shower, and went to bed.

There is an actual Ann Taylor dress shop in New York. This is on my phone and I usually do it on my computer hopefully everything is alright. Tomorrow I will dedicate a chapter. So hope you guys enjoy today's chapter. Just edit it, so it looks better. 


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