My Dad Is Crazy

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Riley's POV

School was finally over, it felt like a drag. Maya and I are on the subway.

"Your dad had a weird lesson today" Maya said

"Ya, I know so weird"

"Why are you acting like that?" She questioned

"Acting like what, I am the same old Riley"

"Ok then. So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Maya asks

"Maya, I-I, I wish I could, but I, I can't"

"Why not Riles, we are suppose to tell each other everything. But, I know soon you will tell me. I just want to help you is all" Maya explained

"I know, I promise soon I will tell you" We were at my stop, I waved bye to her. She understands that I just need space, and soon I will tell her, then everything will be alright. But I know everything is not going to be alright. I need to talk to someone I trust the most.

This chapter and the next one aren't really that good, that I think. But I wrote it so it is going into the story. Sorry if it sucks. Thanks for voting and commenting keep it up. The next chapter will be up soon.


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